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KTVU Television Station Tour

ktvuNewsDate: Monday, November 10, 2014 – This is a school holiday
Location: KTVU television station at Jack London Square in Oakland
Meet: 10AM Sycamore Park and Ride
Return: 2-2:30PM Scouts will be dropped off at their homes
Cost: $0
Class A
Permission slip due November 4th, but turn it in ASAP
– Merit badge prerequisites as detailed below

Troop 805,

We have the opportunity for a private tour of KTVU television station at Jack London Square in Oakland. [everyone should now respond, “oo aw special!!!”] This includes watching a live broadcast of the noon time news. [everyone should now respond, “oo aw extra special!!!”]  Space is very limited!  We have room for one more adult/driver and nine (9) scouts. This tour is designed for scouts working on their Moviemaking Merit Badge.

Eat your lunch before or after the event. You may bring a snack to be eaten in the car.


  1. Turn in your permission slip as soon as possible. Your name will be added to the “pending approval” list.
  2. BEFORE scouts are approved to go, you MUST:
    1. Complete Moviemaking MB requirements 1, 2a, 2b, 2c, and 4. These must be written out on your MB worksheet with sufficiently detailed answers.
    2. In addition, you must have STARTED requirement #2d by planning your video project. This includes giving it some serious thought AND writing your plans down. However, it is NOT necessary to have completed the video project before going on the tour.
    3. Meet with Mr. Mahoney briefly to confirm that the above has been done. You will then be approved to go (based on first come, first serve).
  3. Any remaining openings may be filled by scouts that have already completed their Cinematography or Moviemaking Merit Badge.

Questions?  Contact Mr. Rand Mahoney, cell: 925.899.3840, email:

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