Scout Skills Camping Weekend

Event cancelled.
Date: April 8-9, 2017 (Sat-Sun)
Meet: Saturday 9:30am (1st year scouts) and 8:30am (other scouts) @ Sugarloaf Open Space
Pickup: Sunday 11:30am @ Sugarloaf Open Space
Attire: Class A for travel & Class B @ camp
Cost: $20
– Sack lunch and snacks for Saturday
– Signed permission slip and payment
Required: Permission slip
RSVP to Mr Beveniste to participate
An overnight camping trip & Scout Skill Weekend at nearby Sugarloaf Open Space. Skills will include Firem’n Chit, Totin’ Chip, and a variety of other camping skills (e.g. Cooking, First Aid, Fire Building, Leadership Training, Compass and Pioneering).
Contact Mr Benveniste (415-646-6739) and Mr Screechfield with questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping