DVHS Grounds Clean Up Service Project

Date: Friday, February 25, 2022 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Location: Dougherty Valley High School, 10550 Albion Road, San Ramon
Meet: 3:30pm Lower Quad (area between Admin Building/Wellness Center and Auxilary Gym)
Pickup: 5:00pm In front of DVHS Main Entrance (Admin/Theater)
Attire: Class B
RSVP: Troopmaster
DVHS has asked our Troop for assistance to pick up trash around campus as they are challenged with COVID and custodial staffing issues.
This is a great opportunity to help a local school or your home school if you are a DVHS student and/or earn service hours towards rank advancement!
Gloves and Trash bags will be provided. We appreciate your time and help! Hope to see you there!
Posted in Troop News