Sun & Stars Astro Camping

Dates: Saturday to Sunday, February 26-27, 2022
Location: Sugarloaf Ridge State Park, Sonoma County
Meet: Saturday, Feb 26th 12:00pm @ Sycamore Park and Ride
Pickup: Sunday, Feb 27nd 12:30pm @ Sycamore Park and Ride
Cost: $40
Attire: Class A (for Travel, Flags, etc) and Class B (for hikes, etc)
Bring: 10 Essentials, Mess Kit, water, good hiking shoes, camping gear
Required: Permission slip due Tuesday February 15, 2022
Proof of COVID vaccination or a negative COVID test (completed within 48 hours of the Public Star Party) is required to attend.
RSVP: Troopmaster
Join Troop 805 on February 26th & 27th for a Sun & Stars Astro Camp in Sonoma County at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park and Robert Ferguson Observatory!
Our day starts with solar observing where we view our closest star and learn about sunspots, prominences, flares and more. We observe through both visible light and radio telescopes. We will hike the “PlanetWalk” on our way to the top of Bald Mountain at 2,729 feet (Camping MB Req 9b1). This hike is a scale model of the solar system and allows you to “hike” through the entire solar system by shrinking it more than 2,360,000,000 times.
Starting at dusk, we visit the Robert Ferguson Observatory for their Public Star Party. The Observatory’s three main telescopes are open for our viewing. Docents set up additional telescopes and are available to answer our questions.
We will camp overnight and Sunday morning we have the option to take the Canyon Trail, the Creekside Nature Trail, or go to the Visitor Center.
See Permission Slip for more details. For any questions, please contact Mr Benveniste.
Posted in Troop News