2024 Chawanakee Summer Camp

Date: July 21-27, 2024 (Sunday – Saturday)
Location: Camp Chawanakee, 43485 Dinkey Creek Rd, Shaver Lake, CA 93664
Meet: 7:45 AM @ Sycamore Park and Ride
Depart: 8:30 AM (192 Miles, ~3.5 Hours + stop for lunch)
Arrive: ~1:30 PM at Camp Chawanakee
Cost: – $795 (includes Camp cost of $695 and roundtrip bus cost of $100)
– Sibling attending camp receives a $50 discount, bringing the total cost to $745 for each
– Some Merit Badges require additional costs, which can be paid at the camp Trading Post
Camp Chawanakee offers a truly memorable outdoor experience for every Scout and provides opportunities for Scoutsto to develop their unit and personal programs in a concentrated week-long full-time scouting achievement environment.
There is the Trail to First Class program for new and junior scouts as well as the opportunity for Scouts to earn their choice of over 40 merit badges. For the more accomplished Scouts, there are the Trails of Chawanakee, The 52′ climbing tower, rifle and shotgun shooting, sail boating, C.O.P.E. Course and overnight adventure outings.
More Info:
Parent Meeting Slides
Camp Schedule
Merit Badge Schedule
Merit Badge List
Packing List
Chawanakee Map
Posted in Troop News