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Sycamore School Service Project

sycamoreValleyElementaryDate & Time: April 10th (Friday), 9am – late afternoon
Backup Date & Time: April 12th (Sunday), 9am – late afternoon
Location: Sycamore Valley Elementary School (map)
Meet: Sycamore Valley Elementary School
Attire: Wear working clothes, no BSA uniform
Cost: None
Lunch: Pizza lunch will be provided
Required: Permission slip

We have an opportunity to pay back in service hours and projects to Sycamore School for hosting our Troop’s weekly meeting place at the school’s MPR. We will be doing 4 projects during the Spring Break in the school yard area. The projects are:

  1. Repaint the USA States map.
  2. Repaint the Red lines on the ground.
  3. Clear bushes and affix stepping stones on path between parking lot near Kindergarten area.
  4. Build a curb to stop balls in baseball field area.

For the two painting projects we will have a supply of paint, brushes, drip cloth and masking tape.

For the clearing bushes / stepping stone and build curb projects, bring gloves and any gardening tools.

Please select the boxes in permission slip to signup with names. If you are only able to participate for only a few hours, we still want you. Please indicate the time and hours in the signup box.

Important Dates:
03/31 (Tue) – Permission slip due at Court of Honor
04/10 (Fri) 09:00am – Drop off scouts at Sycamore Valley Elementary School
04/10 (Fri) late pm – Pick up scouts at Sycamore Valley Elementary School
04/12 (Sun) 09:00am – (If needed) Drop off scouts at Sycamore Valley Elementary School
04/12 (Sun) late pm – (If needed) Pick up scouts at Sycamore Valley Elementary School

Contact Mr Huen (510-816-6883) for questions.

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