Date: Monday, May 30th, 2016
Time: 2:10pm – 3:00pm
Arrival: Plan on arriving at 1:50pm to allow time to park & get to the meeting area
Meet & Pickup: San Ramon Central Park flag pole area.
Chevron Stage (on the grass adjacent to the tennis courts)
12501 Alcosta Blvd, San Ramon
Cost: Free
Attire: Full Class A
Required: Permission slip due May 24th
Bring: Be sure to wear sunscreen & bring water.
We are proud to announce that Troop 805 has been specially selected to do the Opening Flag ceremony for the San Ramon Art & Wind Festival this year on Memorial Day, May 30th. All scouts are encouraged to attend!
Participating Scouts will earn service time hours. An outdoor flag ceremony also fills a second-class advancement requirement!
Scouts and families are welcome to enjoy the Art & Wind festival beforehand & afterwards! This family-friendly festival features professional kite flying demonstrations, arts & crafts booths, entertainment on 3 stages, food booths by local non-profits and more! The festival is from 10am to 5pm.
Contact Mr Laubach (925-768-4006) if you have questions.
Posted in Activities, Service Project, Troop News | Tagged artAndWindFestival, flagCeremony, serviceProjects

This event has been cancelled.
Date: Saturday, June 4, 2016
Location: Pleasanton Ridge, Sunol
Meet: Saturday, June 4 5:45 AM @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Return: Scouts will be dropped off at their homes at approximately 8:00 PM
Uniform: Class-B uniform, sturdy hiking boots, hat
Bring: 2 liters of water, sun protection, trail snack, personal first aid kit, $10 for dinner on the way home
Cost: $15 including lunch at the ~10 mile mark
Required: Permission slip and a copy of full BSA medical forms (Parts A, B & C) due May 24th
The Fages II hike is open to scouts 12 years or older who have adequately trained for this distance. “Adequately trained” means that you MUST have completed a BSA sponsored backpacking trip or day hike of at least 10 miles.
Contact Mr Keith Chan (925-829-3176) for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged hiking

Date: Friday-Sunday, July 8-10, 2016
Location: Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
Meet: Friday, July 8th 5 PM @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Return: Sunday, July 10th 3 PM @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Uniform: Arrive in Class A uniform
Cost: $110
Bring: Bag dinner for Friday, 10 essentials, mess kit, $10 for Sunday lunch, swim suit, water shoes, sun protection gear
Required: Permission slip and Monterey Bay Kayaks liability form due May 10th
The Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve is an expansive tidal wetland and a rare eco-system with a stunning diversity of marine life. It is an important habitat for over 300 species of birds, many marine invertebrates, fish, and marine mammals such as harbor seals, sea lions and the southern sea otter, a threatened species.
We will camp at Youth Overnight Area of Royal Oaks Park on Friday night, then head to Moss Landing (15 min driving) on Saturday morning, have a 3-hour private kayaking tour at Elkhorn Slough, don’t forget to bring sun protection gear.
Contact Mr Keith Chan (925-829-3176) for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping, kayaking
This event is postponed.
Dates: Friday-Sunday, May 13-15, 2016
Meet: Friday, May 13th 5PM @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Pickup: Sunday, May 15th 2PM @Sycamore Park & Ride
Cost: $40
Attire: Arrive in Class A uniform.
– Bag dinner for Friday
– 10 essentials, mess kit, & plenty of scout spirit
Required: Permission slip due 05/10/2016 at Troop Meeting
We are in for a treat. Portola Redwoods State Park is on a ridgetop that drops down into a deeply shaded redwood forest. There are beautiful tall redwood trees, thick ferns, waterfalls, and great hiking trails along the Pescadero creek. We will be camping Friday night to Sunday. The campsite is a small hike from the cars – we will be doing a moderate hike (Slate Creek Trail) on Saturday – this hike will take us through the redwoods to the Page Mill site. This is opened to all scouts – it’s a great weekend to enjoy the beauty of coastal California!
NOTE: If you are doing the cooking MB, please make sure you talk with your counselor ASAP. You must have an approved menu before attending this outing. All 1st class and 2nd class cooking menus must be approved by me.
Contact Mr Ray Chan if you have questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping

Date: Saturday, May 7, 2016
Location: Pleasanton Ridge, Sunol
Meet: Saturday 7:30am sharp at Pleasanton Ridge, Foothill Rd staging area
Return: Approximately 4:00pm at the Foothill Rd staging area
Uniform: Class B wicking shirt, hiking pants and boots
Bring: Water, lunch, sun protection
Cost: None
Required: Permission slip due May 3rd
If you want to prepare yourself for high adventure outings like Fages II (on first Saturday of June), Northern Tier 2016, Philmont 2017, or working on hiking merit badge, this challenging 16 mile hike with 2200 ft elevation gain should be one of your practicing opportunities.
This trail offers a wonderful opportunity to increase stamina and conditioning, while offering some great scenery as a reward.
Contact Mr Keith Chan (925-829-3176) for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged hiking
Date & Time: April 16th (Saturday), 9am – 3pm
Location: Community Safety Saturday at Crow Canyon Commons, 3130 Crow Canyon Place, San Ramon (map)
Meet & Pickup: Kiwanis booth at Community Safety Saturday
Attire: Class A
Cost: None
Required: Permission slip due April 12th
Each year, Kiwanis clubs around the world join in a day of service which is called “Kiwanis One Day”. It’s a global effort, but it’s made of personal commitments. Kiwanis One Day consists of the involvement of communities around the world and results in an international spirit of service that inspires people worldwide.
For their 2016 One Day service project, Kiwanis Club of Danville is sponsoring a bicycle safety booth at the Community Safety Saturday event.
Scouts will be helping in 2-hour shifts.
If there are limits on how many scouts the Kiwanis can use, scout participants will be selected based on “first come first served”.
Contact Mr Matsunaga (925-838-1617) for questions.
Posted in Activities, Service Project, Troop News | Tagged serviceProjects