Update 03.24.2016: This event has been cancelled.
Date: Fri-Sat, May 27-28, 2016
Location: Monterey Bay Aquarium
Meet: Friday, 4:30pm sharp at the Danville Park & Ride
Return: Saturday, ~ 2pm, at the Danville Park & Ride. Scouts will call ahead with actual pickup time.
Attire: Class A for travel
Cost: $115. Covers transportation, sleepover, aquarium tour, snacks and breakfast.
Required: Permission slip due March 22th
- Sack dinner for Friday
- Money for Saturday lunch
- Sleeping bag, Pajamas (family-appropriate), toothbrush, toothpaste and face towel
- (Recommended) Sleeping pad (no larger than 39 x 75 x 19 inches)
- (Optional) Pillow, camera, ear-plugs
We have an exciting sleepover coming up on Friday, May 27th. You will get to sleepover in the Monterey Bay Aquarium on
Friday night and explore more on Saturday. There will be activities for you both Friday evening and Saturday morning. This is
extremely popular and space is limited.
If you are interested, sign up soon. We need a firm headcount by March 20th. This is Memorial Day weekend (no school Monday) so let’s make it memorable! Cost is $115, including late night snack, breakfast, transportation, and aquarium admission on Saturday.
Contact Mr Jasty and Mrs Harper for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged overnighter
Date & Time: April 5th (Tuesday), 9am – 2pm
Location: Sycamore Valley Elementary School (map)
Meet & Pickup: Sycamore Valley Elementary School
Attire: Wear working clothes, no BSA uniform
Bring: Safety goggles, hat, sunscreen, and a water bottle
Cost: None
Lunch: Pizza lunch will be provided
Required: Permission slip due March 29th
Do A Good Turn Daily! That’s the Boy Scout Slogan. We have a wonderful opportunity to honor our slogan with the upcoming School Service Project at Sycamore Valley Elementary School, home of our weekly troop meetings.
We will be working on two projects during the Spring Break in the schoolyard area and around the school. The projects are:
- Repaint the US map and updating below the map
- Remove Staples from walls and areas on campus where posters were previously hung
We will have a supply of paint, brushes, drip cloth, masking tape, staple removers, etc.
We would love to have every scout participate in this project even if you can only serve for a period of 1 – 2 hours.
Please indicate the expected Arrival & Departure time on the permission slip.
Important Dates:
03/29 (Tue) – Permission slip due at Troop Meeting
04/05 (Tue) 9am – Drop off scouts at Sycamore Valley Elementary School
04/05 (Tue) 2pm – Pick up scouts at Sycamore Valley Elementary School
Contact Mr Ghatta (510-505-7070) for questions.
Posted in Activities, Service Project, Troop News | Tagged serviceProjects
Date: April 29 – May 1 (Friday – Sunday)
Place: Rancho Los Mochos Scout Camp (map) – 18 miles SE of Livermore, CA
Cost: $50 for scouts or adults. No refunds.
Attire: Class A. All other clothing, including hats, must either have a scouting logo or plain. No team, insignia or camouflage clothing.
Bring: Bag dinner for Friday, snacks for Saturday
Required: Permission Slip, Parental Firearm Permission Form
Spring is coming and with spring every year, we have Camporee. ALL SCOUTS are encouraged to attend. There is something for EVERYONE.
Camporee is a weekend overnight outing for your scouts. They spend late Friday, Saturday and parts of Sunday at Los Mochos participating in friendly competition with other troops, play lots of games, shooting, archery, and friendly cooking competition. All troops in our area participates at Camporee!
Important Dates:
03/22 (Tue) – Permission slip, Firearm permission slip, and payment due at Troop meeting
04/29 (Fri) 4 pm – Meet at Sycamore Park and Ride
05/01 (Sun) 12 pm – Drivers pick up Scouts at Los Mochos
05/01 (Sun) 1 to 2pm – Scouts arrive back at Sycamore Park and Ride
Contact Mr Chan (925-548-6179) & Mr Benvensite (415-646-6739) if you have questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping, camporee, meridianDistrict

Dates: Sat, March 19, 2016
Time: 2-4pm at Blackhawk Country Club Pool
Meet: Blackhawk Country Club Pool, 1098 Eagle Nest Pl, Danville (map)
Prerequisite: Scouts 2nd year and above (Mutant Narwhals, Cobras and older scouts)
Cost: $15 covers pool use, snacks and drinks
Attire: Swim attire
Required: Permission slip and waiver due at Troop Meeting on 03/15
Do you need to complete swimming requirements for 2nd and/or 1st class? Or requirements for Swimming Merit Badge? We have an opportunity for you to work on the following:
- 2nd class: 5b, 5c, 5d (equivalent to pre-2016 requirement 8a, 8b, 8c)
- 1st class: 6a, 6e (equivalent to pre-2016 requirement 9b, 9c)
- Swimming merit badge
We will be in the Blackhawk Country Club pool on March 19 from 2 to 4 pm. We are really fortunate to get access to this 85 degree pool in the month of March. Don’t miss out!!
Contact Mrs Ma and Mr Benveniste if you have questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged swimming
– 2nd year scouts and above: April 1-3 (Fri-Sun)
– 1st year scouts: April 2-3 (Sat-Sun)
New Location: George Ranch, 3163 Morrison Canyon Rd (map)
Attire: Class A
Cost: $35
– 2nd year scouts and above: Friday dinner
– 1st year scouts: Saturday lunch
– All scouts: 10 essentials, mess kit
Required: Permission slip
An overnight camping trip & Scout Skill Weekend at George Ranch in Fremont. Skills will include Firem’n Chit, Totin’ Chip, and a variety of other camping skills (e.g. Cooking, First Aid, Fire Building, Leadership Training, Compass and Pioneering).
Important Dates:
03/22 (Tue) – Permission slip due at Troop meeting
04/01 (Fri) 05:00pm – 2nd year scouts and above meet at Sycamore Park & Ride
04/02 (Sat) 09:00am – 1st year scouts meet at George Ranch
04/03 (Sun) 11:30am – All scouts pick up at George Ranch
Contact Mr Chan (925-548-6179) for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping
Dates: Sat-Sun, April 16-17, 2016
Meet: Saturday, 9am sharp at the Danville Park & Ride
Return: Sunday, ~ 2pm, @ Danville Park & Ride. Scouts will call ahead with actual pickup time.
Prerequisite: Scouts 2nd year and above (Mutant Narwhals, Cobras and older scouts)
Cost: $25 for campsite, Saturday dinner, Sunday breakfast, and Sunday lunch at In-n-Out
Attire: Class B synthetic troop t-shirt, hiking clothes & boots (no Class A)
All participants need a framed backpack, 10 essentials, boots and “quality rain gear” (waterproof shells for body, head and packs – no ponchos!), one extra day of clothes and for layering (synthetic please … No Cotton, “Cotton kills”), extra socks, gallon ziplocks for dry clothes, synthetic sleeping bags, and water bottle(s) at least 1 liter (more is better).
Bring sack lunch for Saturday (in gallon ziploc, not paper sack). All other on-trail meals (Sat dinner, Sun breakfast), will be planned, purchased and provided. We will stop at In-n-Out just before returning to Park-n-Ride on Sunday (included in costs). All food and shared camping equipment will be spread around amongst all patrol members to carry and pack in to our campsite.
– 03/21 (By 5pm) Notify Mrs Kim & Mr Benveniste if you plan on doing cooking requirement at this outing
– 03/22 Permission slip due at Troop Meeting, initial equipment discussion & meal planning
– 03/29 Backup pack check at PLC
– 04/12 Final pack, meal and equipment check at Troop meeting
On April 16 & 17th 2016, we have a great backpacking trip through the green, wildflower covered hills of Sunol. We’ll check out Alameda County’s largest stream, Alameda Creek and we’ll pitch our backpacking tents at Stars Rest with views of Mission Peak. We’ll also try different backpacking foods and different water purification methods. This trip is open to 2nd year scouts and above (Mutant Narwhals and Cobras and older scouts), and is for first time backpackers and geared as an introductory backpack outing.
Permission slips and payment are due Mar 22nd 2016 when we will do initial planning and discuss equipment.
Mandatory meetings: The scouts will need to have a backpack check on April 12th (last meeting before outing). If you cannot make that day/time, you may contact Mrs. Kim and Mr. Benveniste to make a special appointment for a backpack check. At the backpack check we will make sure your backpack fits you properly, that you have everything you need, and that you don’t have anything you don’t need. We’ll also divide the food and tent equipment.
Join the fun and start your backpacking experiences this April!
Contact Mrs Kim and Mr Benveniste if you have questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged backpacking, camping