Dates: Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Time: 7 – 8:30PM
Location: Sycamore Valley Elementary School Library
Cost: Free
Notes: Parents only
Hi Troop 805 Parents,
We will be having a free Merit Badge Counselor training on Tuesday, October 20th, from 7 – 8:30 pm in the Sycamore Valley Elementary School library.
Merit Badge Counselors are valuable and absolutely necessary volunteers in the Boy Scout Advancement program. Every parent has something to offer to the program. Every parent has some knowledge to share – it could be a hobby, job experience, life experience, etc. This is a wonderful way to help our scouts and our troop. We have 80 scouts and we definitely need more counselors.
By attending this training, you will learn everything you need to know about the Merit Badge program and how to join the ranks of Troop 805 Merit Badge counselors. And we will help you with resources you need for each merit badge. We will help you help the scouts. In about an hour or so a month, you could really make a positive difference in a Scout’s Boy Scout experience.
We would love to see you all there!
Mrs Kim and Mr Kiriakos
Posted in Activities, Advancement, Troop News | Tagged training
Dates: Saturday-Sunday, November 7-8, 2015
Meet: Saturday, Nov 7th, 6:15PM @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Pickup: Sunday, Nov 8th, 7AM @ Diablo Rock Gym (map)
– $60 for scout or adult (includes climbing, snacks, dinner) OR
– $100 for scout (includes all of above + climbing MB session) – Note: 8 scouts minimum to hold merit badge session
Attire: Class B
Required: Touchstone liability form and Permission slip due 10/20/2015 at Troop Meeting
Optional: Scoutmaster-signed blue card if doing Climbing MB
An opportunity for extreme FUN and learning about CLIMBING at Diablo Rock Gym (owned by Touchstone Climbing and Fitness) in Concord. Reservations are from 7:00pm Saturday to 7:00am Sunday. Come join your patrol and learn some climbing techniques. Climbing races and patrol competitions will be held. Snacks and drinks will be provided throughout the night. Pizza will be provided around 11:00PM. Eat before or bring a bag dinner.
Merit Badge: If 8 or more scouts sign up, a special session from 7:00-11:00pm will be held for anyone wishing to earn their Climbing Merit Badge. From start to finish, Scouts will have opportunity to complete the requirements for the Climbing Merit Badge in this 4hr session. Additional cost applies, see permission slip for detail.
Contact Mr Ghatta if you have questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged meritBadge, overnighter, rockClimbing
Dates: Saturday, December 12, 2015
Meet: 8:15AM @ Dublin/Pleasanton BART station (Pleasanton side)
Return: ~5PM @Dublin/Pleasanton BART station (Pleasanton side)
Cost: Non-refundable $36 for scouts or adults (includes roundtrip BART ticket & admission)
Attire: Class A
– Small day pack with sack lunch, snacks & water bottle
– Optional extra money for gift shop & ice-cream treat
Required: Permission slip due 11/17/2015 at Troop Meeting
Spend a fun filled day at the coolest place in the Bay Area – the Exploratorium. After riding BART to the City, we will take a 15 minute walk down the Embarcadero to Pier 15. Afterwards we will walk back through the Ferry Building for some treats.
Contact Mrs Miyao and Mrs Wong if you have questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged museum

Dates: Saturday, October 24, 2015
Meet: Saturday 8AM @ Las Lomas High School, 1460 S Main St, Walnut Creek
Return: 3PM @ Las Lomas High School
Cost: $10 – for lunch
Attire: Appropriate cycling gear (e.g., Troop 805 cycling jersey)
– To be eligible for this ride, you must have ridden at least two rides totaling 50 miles with our troop this year, OR
– You can demonstrate the equivalent mileage on personal rides. (For example, a 10-mile, a 15-mile, and a 25-mile ride, or the 2×25 ride.)
– 10/13/2015 (Tue): Permission slip due
– 10/20/2015 (Tue): Mandatory bike check
50-mile bike ride through the beautiful San Ramon Valley. We will start at Las Lomas High School, at the south end of Walnut Creek, and ride south through the San Ramon Valley to the small town of Sunol. The ride is mostly flat, with 417 feet of total elevation gain one way. We’ll have lunch in Sunol and return.
Contact Mr Gary if you have questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged cycling

Dates: Saturday to Sunday, October 24-25, 2015
Meet: Saturday 3PM @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Return: Sunday ~12PM @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Cost: $70 – includes dinner, breakfast, ship tour, simulator ride tickets, patch
Attire: Class A
– Sleeping bag, toiletries, hand towel, extra clothing, jacket and hat
– If you have special dietary requirements, please state so on the permission slip
– Age of each scout required on permission slip
– Guests may choose to participate in Ghost Stories or special Haunted Hornet viewing if offered by ship’s staff
Required: Permission slip due Tuesday September 29, 2015
Detail: USS Hornet Live-Aboard General Info Packet
Welcome Aboard! Regarded by many as one of the ultimate overnight experience for scouts, the USS Hornet overnight program includes a tour and exploration of the historic ship. You will sleep in restored berthing compartments where real Hornet crew lived and learn about the famous aircraft carrier’s daring exploits. The ship will be specially decorated for a haunted Halloween experience.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged overnighter
Date: Friday, September 11, 2015
Meet: 5:00pm @ Oak Hill Park, Danville
Pickup: 6:30pm @ Oak Hill Park, Danville
Cost: $0
Attire: Class A
– Parking is available at both of the Monte Vista high School lots, located on Stone Valley Road and adjacent to the park. Monte Vista High School has a football game that evening so please plan extra time for parking.
– Bring water
5:00 pm – Scouts should arrive and meet at west side of pond
5:30 pm – ceremony begins
6:25 pm – ceremony ends
Required: Permission slip due Tuesday September 8, 2015
On September 11, 2001, thousands of people lost their lives in one of the most infamous attacks on America. We will honor & remember them during San Ramon Valley’s 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony. All uniformed scouts and leaders are invited to participate in this meaningful patriotic ceremony. Some Scouts will be pre-staged and some Scouts will march in holding American Flags at the All Wars Memorial. The guest speaker is Burt Upson, a survivor of the attack. He was in one of the towers that was destroyed and barely escaped with his life. All are welcome to attend the
ceremony and stay for a light meal afterward.
Contact Mrs Kim (925-735-3732) for questions.
Posted in Activities, Service Project, Troop News | Tagged serviceProjects