Dates: Friday to Saturday, September 18-19 2015
Drop off: Friday 4:00-5:00pm @ Barbecue Terrace Group Campsite
Pick up:
– Saturday 12:30pm @ Barbecue Terrace Group Campsite OR
– Saturday 2:00pm above Barbecue Terrace Group Campsite if participating in 5-mile hike
Cost: $15
Attire: Class A
– Bag dinner for Friday
– 10 essentials, mess kit
Required: Permission slip due Tuesday September 8th, 2015
Calling all Scouts working on rank advancement! This 1 night event will offer Scouts who are working on Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class opportunity to work on skills not covered during the Spring Scout Skills event. ALSO, it will afford more senior scouts opportunity to earn camping nights credit as well as teaching using EDGE (useful for Star Scouts!) Come join us for a fun Fall overnight with the troop at our very own local Mt.Diablo. The view from Barbecue Terrace is to die for. Come enjoy!
Contact Mr Marshall (925-200-3715) and Mrs Miyao for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping, hiking
Dates: Saturday to Sunday, October 10-11, 2015
Meet: Saturday 8AM @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Return: Sunday ~12PM @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Cost: $35 – includes group campsite and guided tour of mines
Attire: Class A
– Sack lunch for Saturday
– Light backpacks for tour & hike
– This outing limits to 35 participants
– No water available at campsite
Required: Permission slip due Tuesday September 15, 2015
The Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve is a 6,000-acre park located north of Mount Diablo in Contra Costa County, California under the administration of the East Bay Regional Park District. This is a one night camping with tour of the Hazel-Atlas mines and hike around the remains of twelve coal mines and the sites of five long-gone coal mining towns.
Contact Mr Huen (510-816-6883) for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping, hiking
Date: Saturday – Suncay, August 22-23 (with one-day options)
Meet: Saturday 8:30AM @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Pickup: Sunday ~5:00PM @ Sycamore Park & Ride (Scouts will call if arrival time differs)
Options: Participants have the option of riding either or both days, and attending or skipping the overnight campout. (Separate transportation required.)
Cost: $50 includes campground, SAG support, lunch on both days and breakfast on Sunday
Attire: Troop 805 Cycling Jersey (or other brightly colored jersey)
Prerequisites: Must have participated in at least 3 rides totaling 50 miles, including one 25-mile ride.
Required: Permission slip, ABC bike check
– Properly fitted helmet, cage-mounted water bottles or hydropack, brightly colored jersey, spare tube and patch kit, sunglasses, cycling gloves, sunscreen, 3 energy bars;
– Minimal camp gear (10 essentials, evening clothes, mess kit, sleeping bag and pad) preferably in a duffel bag;
– Patrols will plan and cook Saturday dinner;
– All bikes must pass inspection at Troop meeting on August 18.
– Email Mr. Gary by July 28 to select outing “options” noted above.
A two-day bike ride (25 miles each day) from Half Moon Bay to Santa Cruz via Highway 1, and campout at Costanoa Resort/Campgrounds near Pigeon Point Lighthouse in Pescadero.
Note: We will need adult drivers and support for this fantastic outing! Adult non-leaders are welcome to ride with us.
Important Dates:
07/28 (Tue) 7:00pm – Email Mr Gary to select outing “options” noted above
08/04 (Tue) 7:00pm – Permission slip due at Troop Meeting
08/18 (Tue) 7:00pm – Bike check at Troop Meeting
08/22 (Sat) 8:30am – Depart Sycamore Park & Ride
08/23 (Sun) 5:00pm – Pick up at Sycamore Park & Ride
Contact Mr Gary (925-518-9896) for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping, cycling

Date: July 11 (Saturday)
Time: 7:30am – 7:00pm
Meet & Pickup: Walnut Creek BART (meet near entrance to station)
Cost: $25 for scouts and $30 for adults
Attire: Wear a bright colored synthetic T-shirt (Troop Cycling shirt) for biking i.e. a non-cotton moisture wicking material.
Prerequisites: Must have ridden 3 troop rides including at least 15 mile ride and a total of 35 miles. (Note: This is a very hilly ride through the Marin headlands and is fairly demanding. Also, if you are a slow rider this is not the ride for you because we will be on a somewhat tight time schedule.)
Required: Permission slip, ABC bike check
Bring: Bicycle, helmet, minimum 1 liter of water (1 Nalgene type water bottles or appropriate size water hydration pack), bicycle repair kit, a spare tube, 10 essentials (including personal first aid kit), sunscreen and a sack lunch in a small day/bike pack and trail mix or other snack food to consume on the road. The checklist is here.
A day bike ride around the San Francisco Bay Area. We will take BART from Walnut Creek to San Francisco with our bikes. We will ride through San Francisco and over the Golden Gate Bridge and will continue to Larkspur and will take the ferry to Pier 41.
We will ride a short distance from Pier 41 back to the Embarcadero BART station and take BART back to Walnut Creek.
Important Dates:
07/07 (Tue) 6:30pm – ABC Bike check before COH
07/07 (Tue) 7:00pm – Permission slip due at COH
07/11 (Sat) 7:30am – Meet at Walnut Creek BART station entrance
07/11 (Sat) 7:00pm – Pickup at Walnut Creek BART station entrance
Contact Mr Jasty (408-218-4872) for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged cycling
OK All You Troop 805 Anglers Out There,
We’ll be going to Donner Memorial State Park near Truckee California July 24th – 26th. In between Fish Slaying and Camping we will visit the Donner Museum dedicated to the memory of the ill-fated Donner party, often described by historians as one of the most spectacular tragedies in Californian history and in the history of western migration.

While on their pilgrimage via wagon train to California during the winter of 1846 – 1847, the Donner families were caught in an early heavy snow storm. Trapped in November 1846 at Donner camp on Alder Creek, food supplies soon became very low. Some of the emigrants eventually resorted to cannibalism to survive, eating those who had succumbed to starvation and sickness, before being rescued 4 months later in February 1847. Only 48 of the 87 members of the party survived to reach California.
Come test your fishing and camping skills with the Radioactive Gummy Bears.
 Donner Lake Brown Trout |
 Donner Lake Rainbow Trout |
Permission slips are due by 6/30/2015 and this outing is limited to the first 24 Scouts and Adults.
Don’t lollygag or you’ll find yourself sitting at home ………. In the summer heat ………. Cleaning your room ……….
Come learn to gut a fish instead!!!!! Whoo Hoo!!!!!
Mr. Aikin Out!
Glen Aikin
ASM Troop 805
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping, fishing, museum
Hi Scouts,
Are there some merit badges you were curious about but haven’t had the chance to work on? Maybe game design, or digital technology or welding or robotics?
Have you been putting off completing an Eagle required merit badge? Maybe Sustainability or Environmental Science?
Do you have a drawer full of ‘partials?’ Maybe Swimming or Weather?
Out of over 100 different merit badges available, this year’s one day Advance Camp will be offering the opportunity to work on 2 out of 60 different choices. This is a huge one day event where over 2,000 scouts gather to explore new interests, start merit badges, finish merit badges, or complete previous partials. There will be two sessions – one morning, one afternoon.
What: Advance Camp
When: Saturday, September 26th, 2015
Leave: 6:30 am from Sycamore Park and Ride
Return: 6 pm to Sycamore Park and Ride
Cost: $27 (though a few cost an additional $25), which includes lunch
Attire: Class A
How to Sign Up:
- Scouts must check out this list of 60 merit badges and choose 2 they would like to work on plus 2 back-up choices.
- Then, scouts should check out this Merit Badge Requirement web page to review the related workbook to understand what the merit badge involves.
- Then, return the permission slip with payment in 2 weeks, June 16th, or sooner.
A special note to parents: Last year’s Advance Camp required the help of 150 merit badge counselors plus over 200 additional volunteers. Please save the date on your schedule. We will need many drivers and Advance Camp will need volunteers. All volunteers get a free shirt and free lunch.
Feel free to contact me with questions.
Susan Kim
cell 925-785-3732
Posted in Activities, Advancement, Troop News | Tagged advanceCamp, meritBadge