Event changed. Check your emails for the latest.
– 2nd year scouts and above: March 24th-26th (Fri-Sun)
– 1st year scouts: March 25th-26th (Sat-Sun)
Location: George Ranch, 3163 Morrison Canyon Rd (map)
Attire: Class A upon arrival & departure. Class B for other activities.
Cost: $30
– 2nd year scouts and above: Sack dinner for Friday night
– 1st year scouts: Sack lunch for Saturday
– All scouts: 10 essentials, mess kit
Required: Permission slip
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping

Date: February 4th, 2017 (Saturday)
Meet: 7:30am @ Danville Park & Ride
Return: Home drop-off, approximately 5pm
Location: Mount Tamalpais State Park
Cost: $20 (optional Rim of Bay patch $5.50, Mt. Tamalpais rocker $1.50)
Attire: Class B
Bring: Sack lunch, trail food, 2-3L of water
Required: Permission slip due January 31st.
Just north of San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge, Mount Tamalpais State Park rises majestically from the heart of Marin County. Its deep canyons and sweeping hillsides are cloaked with cool redwood forests, oak woodlands, open grasslands, and sturdy chaparral. The breathtaking panorama from Mount Tamalpais’s 2,571-foot peak includes the Farallon Islands 25 miles out to sea, the Marin County hills, San Francisco Bay, the East Bay, and Mount Diablo. On rare occasions, the snow-covered Sierra Nevada can be seen 150 miles away.
Join us Saturday, February 4th for Troop 805’s first hike of 2017… the Mount Tamalpais Hike! Round trip to the top of Mount Tamalpais (or “Mt. Tam”) is a distance of 8.5 miles with an elevation gain of 1,081’. Along the way to the stunning views at the top we will see the famous Mountain Theater and replicas of the “Gravity Cars” designed to transport visitors from the top of the mountain to the redwood-filled canyon of Muir Woods using only gravity and a brake!
Contact Mr Evans (cell: 408-828-1547) for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged hiking

Date: February 11, 2017 (Saturday)
Meet: 1:30pm @ Osage Station Park parking lot. Osage Park is located in Danville north of Charlotte Wood Middle School at 816 Brookside Drive.
Return: ~4:30pm @ Osage Station Park parking lot
Cost: $0, but participants will need to bring money ($5) for ice cream at Loard’s Ice Cream in Alamo.
Attire: Appropriate cycling clothes; Troop 805 Cycling shirt (or other bright shirt); well fitted helmet; eye protection (sun glasses); cycling gloves (recommended); closed toe shoes.
Required: Permission slip and Mandatory ABC Bike Check on February 7th
An easy, flat 10-mile bike ride to Alamo and back along the Iron Horse trail. We will review cycling rules of the road and will do a quick bike safety check before departing.
Mandatory ABC Bike Check: All participants need to bring both their bikes and helmets to the Troop meeting on February 7th for a mandatory inspection. Our expectation is that Scouts will conduct an inspection for fit, condition of components, and function at home and present us with bicycles that need only minor adjustments. Please contact me if you need to make other arrangements for this mandatory inspection.
Parents are responsible for transporting their son and his gear both to and the staging area at Osage Park. Bring water to cycle with (bottle in cage or a hydropack), sunscreen and energy bar(s). We need adults to support this outing.
Rain: February is in the middle or our rainy season. Be prepared for light rain and/or fog. In the case of projected heavy rain, I will send an email out a few days prior to the event to communicate any event changes.
Contact Mr Carstensen (cell: 510-731-7513) for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged cycling
Date: February 25-26, 2017 (Saturday – Sunday)
Location: Carson Pass & South Lake Tahoe
Meet: Saturday 6am @ Danville Park & Ride
Return: Sunday ~5pm @ Danville Park & Ride
Cost: $95. Includes cabin, snowshoes, transportation, permits and all meals (except Saturday sack lunch).
Attire: Snow gear
Prerequisites: 7th grade scouts and above.
Important: Limited to 12 Scouts and 4 adults, on a first-come, first-served basis.
Introduction to snow camping in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. We will learn basic snow camping skills, such as proper equipment, staying dry & warm, building snow shelters, and snowshoeing. We will be in the snow at Carson Pass during the day, and spend the night in a cabin at South Lake Tahoe. Sunday we’ll go for a snowshoe before returning home.
Note: With the emphasis on safety, the schedule of this outing may change or even be cancelled on short notice based on snow levels, weather and mountain conditions. (We are retaining the option of shifting the outing to Sunday/Monday if weather requires.)
Mandatory Meetings:
01/17 (Tu) – Permission slip and payment due
01/24 (Tu) – Training (equipment) – for scouts & parents
01/31 (Tu) – Meal planning
02/07 (Su) – Equipment check
Please review the snow camping information on our website here before the Training meeting.
– Saturday trail lunch in gallon Ziplocks – no paper bags
Contact Mr Gary (cell: 925-518-9896) for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged snowCamping

Dates: Saturday – Sunday, March 25-26, 2017
Meet: Saturday 8:30am @ Danville Park & Ride
Return: Sunday 5:00pm @ Danville Park & Ride
Cost: $80 includes whale watching, transportation, camping, and all meals
Attire: Class A for travel (and bring Class B)
Required: Acknowledgement of Risk form and Permission slip due TBD
An afternoon of Whale Watching with the Oceanic Society in Half Moon Bay. The annual gray whale migration is one of the world’s most magnificent and accessible wildlife spectacles. Each year, thousands of gray whales migrate from their summer feeding grounds around Alaska down to Baja California and back. Their migration pathway follows closely along the California coast, providing us with outstanding opportunities for coastal whale watching in Half Moon Bay.
Afterward, we’ll head down the coast to beautiful Butano Creek in Pescadero where we’ll sleep in cabins (25 per cabin), cook, and (weather permitting), see some banana slugs (maybe Mr. Screechfield can teach us the Banana Slug Song!) on a hike.
Contact Mrs Wong (925-525-0345) for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping, whaleWatching

Date: June 18-24, 2017 (Sunday – Saturday)
Location: Camp Cherry Valley
Cost: $650 + mandatory transportation cost
Important information:
- California Rifle & Shotgun Permission Form (new)
- Notes from Summer Camp meeting held Tuesday night
- Parent Guide (extracted parts of Leader Guide for your review) – The food/medical special requests are on page 13. If you need to contact camp please include me and Harper on all correspondence to camp so I know what to expect and should be sent at least 2 weeks before we arrive.
- Merit Badge (MB) Classes – the 3rd page has the MB schedule which Mr. Chan went over during Troop meeting with the scouts. This MUST be turned in before the PLC on the May 30 before school is out (it can be emailed to me if you can’t make a meeting). Your son should put top three choices in the box with an “X” and then then put a “A” in a box as an alternate. Those who are First Class or close to First Class should have one or two Eagle Required MBs like First Aid, Emergency Prep, Environmental Science, Sustainability, Swimming, etc. MBs on page 4 are during open period and scouts can let me know at camp if they are doing those. Page 2 is very important as it talks about costs and prerequisites which are important if the scout wants to complete MB at camp. Lastly I will have partials from previous summer camps that can be completed during free time if that MB is offered.
- Medical Admin Form – This is only needed if your son is taking Rx Drugs at camp.
- Trail to First Class (TTFC) – those scouts that still have lots to complete for Tenderfoot/Second Class/First Class should chose these instead of MBs. Note that not all items are covered and different items are covered different days. If you only have a few left in a specific rank you can also take TTFC during open period (note that Tenderfoot covered Tuesday, Second Class Thursday and First Class Friday).
- Packing List – Note that it is important that the scouts have a full Class A uniform (including LONG Scout pants). This will be needed for an activity at camp.
- Menu – this is a typical menu at camp. Lots of carbs!
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged summerCamp