Your Mt. Diablo Silverado Council volunteer Merit badge Counselors are offering Merit Badge classes for you, our Scouts!
Select your Merit Badge and register. Once registered, your Scoutmaster will receive a form for approval. Once the Scoutmaster returns the form, the Scout will receive a link to log into the class. FAQs
Also check the MDSC website for other great resources such as:
and more!
Posted in Advancement, Scouting News, Troop News
Dates: November 5, 12, 19 & December 1
Cost: $10 for supplies / $5 suggested donation for Oakland museum outing
Location: MPR, Sycamore Valley Elementary School
Mrs. Dagen is offering the Art Merit Badge workshop for up to 12 scouts. Please read the requirements, and sign up on Troopmaster if interested. Mrs. Dagen will obtain the new blue cards from Mr. Castro, please don’t ask him individually. There will be 3 meetings, an at-home project, and an Oakland museum outing. Scouts working on partials are welcome to come to just the meetings needed.
Adults, please email Mrs. Dagen if you can co-teach this class with her. The more teachers we have, the more scouts we can accept. If no co-teachers, Mrs. Dagen can still use your help for two-deep leadership.
Meeting Dates:
Tuesday, November 5 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM – Discuss requirements 1, 2, 3 and 4. Using charcoal, draw fruit or another subject of your choosing.
Tuesday, November 12 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM – Discuss requirement 5 & 7. Using oil pastels, draw the same subject you chose last week.
Tuesday, November 19, 7:00 PM (optional meeting) – Draw two more pictures of the same subject using two new methods. Mrs. Dagen will provide ink, watercolors, pencils or color pencils. Scouts attending PLC can borrow art supplies and work at home. Scouts wishing to use other media such as oil paints, tempera, acrylics, or computer drawings can do so at home using their own supplies.
Sunday, December 1, 11:00 AM – Oakland Museum Tour (requirement 6)
Scouts will work on requirement 5 on their own then meet with Mrs. Dagen for sign-offs. Contact Mrs. Dagen for any questions.
Posted in Advancement, Troop News
Hi Scouts,
Advance Camp is coming soon…permission slips are due at next week’s PLC. Classes are limited so be sure to get your permission slips in soon if you want your top choices.
Are there some merit badges you were curious about but haven’t had the chance to work on? Maybe game design, or digital technology or welding or robotics?
Have you been putting off completing an Eagle required merit badge? Maybe Sustainability or Environmental Science?
Do you have a drawer full of ‘partials?’ Maybe Swimming or Weather?
This year’s one day Advance Camp will be offering the opportunity to work on 2 out of over 60 different Merit Badge choices. This is a huge one day event where over 2,000 scouts gather to explore new interests, start merit badges, finish merit badges, or complete previous partials. There will be two sessions – one morning, one afternoon.
What: Advance Camp
When: Saturday, September 24th, 2016
Leave: 6:30 am from Sycamore Park and Ride
Return: 6 pm to Sycamore Park and Ride
Cost: $34 (some Merit Badges have additional fees)
Attire: Class A
Required: Permission slip due July 5th
Bring: Bagged lunch, water bottles, hat, sunscreen, and any specific worksheet needed for the Merit Badges
Merit Badge sessions & availability: live report
How to Sign Up:
1. Please click here to get a list of all Merit Badges options & prerequisites
2. Scouts should check out this Merit Badge Requirement web page to review the related workbook to understand what the merit badge involves.
3. Please return the permission slip with payment by July 5th
A special note to parents:
WE NEED PARENT VOLUNTEERS! Last year’s Advance Camp required the help of 150 merit badge counselors plus over 200 additional volunteers. Please save the date on your schedule. We will need many drivers and Advance Camp will need volunteers. All volunteers get a free shirt and free lunch.
Feel free to contact me with questions.
Ed Laubach
T805 Committee Chair
Posted in Activities, Advancement, Troop News | Tagged advanceCamp

It’s 2016, and the new Boy Scout rank requirements are now official.
The BSA has made it easy for you, providing this PDF straight from the new Boy Scout Handbook. There’s also this requirements insert (PDF), which is suitable for printing and including in a previous-generation Handbook. Find out more about the requirement transition here.
Posted in Advancement, Troop News | Tagged advancement
Dates: Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Time: 7 – 8:30PM
Location: Sycamore Valley Elementary School Library
Cost: Free
Notes: Parents only
Hi Troop 805 Parents,
We will be having a free Merit Badge Counselor training on Tuesday, October 20th, from 7 – 8:30 pm in the Sycamore Valley Elementary School library.
Merit Badge Counselors are valuable and absolutely necessary volunteers in the Boy Scout Advancement program. Every parent has something to offer to the program. Every parent has some knowledge to share – it could be a hobby, job experience, life experience, etc. This is a wonderful way to help our scouts and our troop. We have 80 scouts and we definitely need more counselors.
By attending this training, you will learn everything you need to know about the Merit Badge program and how to join the ranks of Troop 805 Merit Badge counselors. And we will help you with resources you need for each merit badge. We will help you help the scouts. In about an hour or so a month, you could really make a positive difference in a Scout’s Boy Scout experience.
We would love to see you all there!
Mrs Kim and Mr Kiriakos
Posted in Activities, Advancement, Troop News | Tagged training
Hi Scouts,
Are there some merit badges you were curious about but haven’t had the chance to work on? Maybe game design, or digital technology or welding or robotics?
Have you been putting off completing an Eagle required merit badge? Maybe Sustainability or Environmental Science?
Do you have a drawer full of ‘partials?’ Maybe Swimming or Weather?
Out of over 100 different merit badges available, this year’s one day Advance Camp will be offering the opportunity to work on 2 out of 60 different choices. This is a huge one day event where over 2,000 scouts gather to explore new interests, start merit badges, finish merit badges, or complete previous partials. There will be two sessions – one morning, one afternoon.
What: Advance Camp
When: Saturday, September 26th, 2015
Leave: 6:30 am from Sycamore Park and Ride
Return: 6 pm to Sycamore Park and Ride
Cost: $27 (though a few cost an additional $25), which includes lunch
Attire: Class A
How to Sign Up:
- Scouts must check out this list of 60 merit badges and choose 2 they would like to work on plus 2 back-up choices.
- Then, scouts should check out this Merit Badge Requirement web page to review the related workbook to understand what the merit badge involves.
- Then, return the permission slip with payment in 2 weeks, June 16th, or sooner.
A special note to parents: Last year’s Advance Camp required the help of 150 merit badge counselors plus over 200 additional volunteers. Please save the date on your schedule. We will need many drivers and Advance Camp will need volunteers. All volunteers get a free shirt and free lunch.
Feel free to contact me with questions.
Susan Kim
cell 925-785-3732
Posted in Activities, Advancement, Troop News | Tagged advanceCamp, meritBadge