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Adopt-A-Family Bikes Volunteer Opportunity

AAFBDate: December 20 (Saturday) and December 21
Time: 12 noon – 6pm
Location: Bishop Ranch #2; 2682 Bishop Drive, Suite 101, San Ramon (map)
Cost: Free
Attire: Class B
Bring: (optional) Bring your own tools (like screw drivers, wrenches, etc) if you have them

Adopt-A-Family Bikes (AAFB) program is looking for volunteers to help clean and refurbish used bicycles and give them away to families for Christmas. This is a GREAT program…as scouts, we should help this program. All Boy Scouts and ADULT parents are welcome to help…

We can:

  • Get experience working on bikes and fulfill Cycling MB requirements # 2, 3, and 5.
  • Make a difference in the life of another child by providing a cleaned, repaired bicycle as a gift. We hope to donate about 300 bikes this year! Think of all the people that would help!
  • Obtain service hours by providing this meaningful community service. – I know for a fact that many of you scouts need service hours.. this is a great opportunity…

If you have time this Saturday and Sunday, please consider coming by and help out this worthy cause… If you have your own tools (like screw drivers, wrenches, etc.) – please bring them… This is a GREAT way to give back to our community.

For more information on the Adopt A Family Bikes (AAFB) program and what is done with the hundreds of bikes each year, go to I hope we can get many Scouts to help out, even for 2-3 hours.

Contact Mr Mahoney for questions.

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Scouting for Food

– November 8 (Saturday) – 11AM – 1PM – Drop off Door Hangers
– November 15 (Saturday) – 11AM – 1PM – Pick up Food
Meet: 190 Wood Ranch Circle, Danville, CA (Wood Ranch Club House)
Return: Scouts will be dropped off at home about one-half hour after the event
Cost: $0 (no charge)
Attire: Class A
Required: Permission slip due November 4th

This project is an annual National BSA service project where non-perishable foods are collected for the local food banks. We will to go door-to-door with informational flyers requesting donations on Saturday November 8th, and collect and deliver the donations to a central point at the LDS church at Sycamore and Old Orchard on Saturday November 15th. Scouts may choose to participate in either (or both) days. Scouts do earn service hours for rank advancement.

Since our assigned areas tend to be fairly large we will need drivers to help on both days. Parents who can drive, please fill out the information especially giving me your cell phone number.

**Pizza & drinks will be provided for participating scouts & parent drivers **

Contact ASM Mrs. Miyao [h(925) 556-0602 m(925) 895-7565] if you have questions.

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September 11 Remembrance Event

ss911Date: September 11, 2014 (Thursday)
Time: 5:30pm – 7:00pm – Scout part of the Ceremony starts at 5:50pm sharp
Location: All Wars Memorial at Oak Hill Park, Danville (map)
Cost: $0
Attire: Class A
Required: Permission slip

On September 11, 2001, thousands of people lost their lives in one of the most infamous attacks on America. We will honor & remember them during San Ramon Valley’s 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony. All uniformed Scouts and leaders are invited to participate in this meaningful patriotic ceremony. Scouts will parade holding American Flags at the All Wars Memorial. The entire family is also welcome to attend the ceremony.

Parking is available at both of the Monte Vista High School lots, located on Stone Valley Road, adjacent to the park. The event is scheduled to start at 6:00 pm. Bring water. Families should bring a blanket or chair to sit in.


Posted in Activities, Service Project, Troop News

Trevor’s Eagle Blanket Foundation

TrevorFrom Mt Diablo Silverado Council:

Trevor’s Eagle Blanket Foundation Calls For Assistance 12-13-14

Scouts and Scouters, we are counting on your support to carry forward Trevor Tonsing’s Legacy of Warmth. Trevor was a Life Scout in Troop 832, Iron Horse District, Mt. Diablo Silverado Council, out of Walnut Creek, California. He had started on his Eagle Scout Leadership Project, which was to procure materials and organize and instruct crews that would make fleece tie blankets for the benefit of patients at Children’s Hospital & Research Center Oakland. Trevor was motivated to do this because of the excellent care he had received at Children’s Hospital himself, after being born with complex congenital heart defects in 1993.

Trevor suddenly fell ill and passed away a few days after his sixteenth birthday in December 2009. Thus, he was unable complete his Eagle Scout Leadership Project. However, because of his family’s desire to move forward with the project, Trevor’s Eagle Blanket Foundation was established in January 2010 and has already contributed well over 3,000 beautiful blankets to the patients of Children’s Hospital.

December 13, 2014 will be Trevor’s 21st birthday. We are asking each Troop, Crew, and Pack in the Council to throw their support behind this effort and to do a good turn by making and contributing blankets to the Foundation on or before Trevor’s birthday. Each blanket requires two pieces of fleece; each piece of fabric should be one and one half yards long. Cutting and tying one blanket typically takes about 45 minutes. More information about the Foundation, and about procuring fleece, cutting and tying blankets, and delivering the blankets to the Foundation can be found on the Foundation’s website. It is fun, easy, and rewarding to do. Patches will be awarded to all contributing Scouts.

Every Scout, Scouter, Troop, Crew, and Pack can make Trevor’s 21st birthday a gift that celebrates his Legacy of Warmth with a new generation of children confronting medical challenges. Like Trevor, YOU can make a difference in their lives.

Thank you for your support!

Trevor’s Eagle Blanket Foundation,
a California nonprofit public benefit corporation
c/o Archer Norris
2033 North Main Street, Suite 800
Walnut Creek, CA 94596

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