Dates: Sat-Sun, April 22-23, 2017
Meet: Saturday, 8:30am at the Danville Park & Ride
Return: Sunday, ~ 1:30pm, @ Danville Park & Ride. Scouts will call ahead with actual pickup time.
Prerequisite: Scouts 2nd year and above (Flaming Phoenixes and older scouts)
Cost: $35 for campsite, Saturday dinner, Sunday breakfast, and Sunday lunch at In-n-Out
Attire: Class B synthetic troop t-shirt, hiking clothes & boots (no Class A)
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged backpacking, camping

Event cancelled.
Date: April 8-9, 2017 (Sat-Sun)
Meet: Saturday 9:30am (1st year scouts) and 8:30am (other scouts) @ Sugarloaf Open Space
Pickup: Sunday 11:30am @ Sugarloaf Open Space
Attire: Class A for travel & Class B @ camp
Cost: $20
– Sack lunch and snacks for Saturday
– Signed permission slip and payment
Required: Permission slip
RSVP to Mr Beveniste to participate
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping

Event cancelled.
Dates: April 15-16, 2017 (Sat-Sun)
Meet: Saturday, 7am sharp at the Danville Park & Ride
Return: Scouts will be returned to their homes at approximately 5:30pm Sunday.
Cost: $45. Covers campsite meals, campsite, trail snacks, wilderness permit, park entrance fees, travel costs & more.
Attire: T805 hiking or other synthetic wicking shirt. (No cotton!)
Required: Permission slip due March 28th
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged backpacking, camping

Date: April 28-30, 2017 (Fri-Sun)
Location: Rancho Los Mochos Scout Camp (map) – 18 miles SE of Livermore, CA
Meet: Fri 4:30pm @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Return: Sun 1-2pm @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Cost: $60 for scouts or adults. No refunds.
Attire: Class A & B. All other clothing, including hats, must either have a scouting logo or plain. No team, insignia or camouflage clothing.
Bring: Bag dinner for Friday, snacks for Saturday
Required: Permission Slip, BSA Medical Form A & B, Parental Firearm Permission Form due March 21st
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping, camporee

Date & Time: April 1st (Saturday), 9am – 3pm
Location: Twin Canyon Girl Scout camp, 4010 Springhill Rd., Lafayette
Meet: Sycamore Park and Ride at 8:30am
Return: Scouts will be dropped off at homes around 3:30-4:00pm
Attire: Work clothes (no uniforms)
Cost: Free
Required: Permission slip due March 28th
Bring: Bagged lunch
Posted in Activities, Service Project, Troop News | Tagged conservation, kiwanis, serviceProjects

Event changed. Check your emails for the latest.
– 2nd year scouts and above: March 24th-26th (Fri-Sun)
– 1st year scouts: March 25th-26th (Sat-Sun)
Location: George Ranch, 3163 Morrison Canyon Rd (map)
Attire: Class A upon arrival & departure. Class B for other activities.
Cost: $30
– 2nd year scouts and above: Sack dinner for Friday night
– 1st year scouts: Sack lunch for Saturday
– All scouts: 10 essentials, mess kit
Required: Permission slip
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping