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Cherry Valley Summer Camp


Date: June 18-24, 2017 (Sunday – Saturday)
Location: Camp Cherry Valley
Cost: $650 + mandatory transportation cost
Important information: 

  • California Rifle & Shotgun Permission Form (new)
  • Notes from Summer Camp meeting held Tuesday night
  • Parent Guide (extracted parts of Leader Guide for your review) – The food/medical special requests are on page 13. If you need to contact camp please include me and Harper on all correspondence to camp so I know what to expect and should be sent at least 2 weeks before we arrive.
  • Merit Badge (MB) Classes – the 3rd page has the MB schedule which Mr. Chan went over during Troop meeting with the scouts. This MUST be turned in before the PLC on the May 30 before school is out (it can be emailed to me if you can’t make a meeting). Your son should put top three choices in the box with an “X” and then then put a “A” in a box as an alternate. Those who are First Class or close to First Class should have one or two Eagle Required MBs like First Aid, Emergency Prep, Environmental Science, Sustainability, Swimming, etc. MBs on page 4 are during open period and scouts can let me know at camp if they are doing those. Page 2 is very important as it talks about costs and prerequisites which are important if the scout wants to complete MB at camp. Lastly I will have partials from previous summer camps that can be completed during free time if that MB is offered.
  • Medical Admin Form – This is only needed if your son is taking Rx Drugs at camp.
  • Trail to First Class (TTFC) – those scouts that still have lots to complete for Tenderfoot/Second Class/First Class should chose these instead of MBs. Note that not all items are covered and different items are covered different days. If you only have a few left in a specific rank you can also take TTFC during open period (note that Tenderfoot covered Tuesday, Second Class Thursday and First Class Friday).
  • Packing List – Note that it is important that the scouts have a full Class A uniform (including LONG Scout pants). This will be needed for an activity at camp.
  • Menu – this is a typical menu at camp. Lots of carbs!


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Eagle Scout Leadership

Last Tuesday, December 6th, 2016, the Danville Town Council honored Eagle Scout Leadership for 10 Troops in Danville for their “longstanding commitment to serving the community and organizing Eagle Scout service projects that benefit the Town of Danville.” Troop 805 is one of the troops honored with this special award.

Mr. Kent Screechfield – our Scoutmaster Emeritus, represented the troop and received the award on the Troop’s behalf.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Neal Matsunaga, Susan Oki, and Alan Carstensen for being our Eagle Scout mentors. They are the “heroes” – the coaches who help our scouts become Eagles! – We owe them a debt of gratitude…

Thank you Kent and all adults and scouts within Troop 805 for carrying on the tradition of service to our community.

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Scouting for Food

– November 12 (Saturday) – 10am – 12 noon – Drop off Door HangersSFF2016

– November 19 (Saturday) – 10am – 12 noon – Pick up Food Donations
Meet: 190 Woodranch Circle, Danville, CA (Woodranch Club House)
Return: Scouts will be dropped off at home about one-half hour after the event
$0 (no charge)
Attire: Class A, good walking shoes

Bring: Water
Required: Permission slip due 11/08/2016 at Troop Meeting

This project is an annual National BSA service project where non-perishable foods are collected for the local food banks. We will go door-to-door with informational flyers requesting donations on Saturday November 14th, and collect and deliver the donations to a central point at the LDS church in Danville on Saturday November 21st. Scouts may choose to participate on either or both days.

This is a great event to bring a friend (1st class requirement 10). Scouts will also earn service hours for rank advancement.

Since our assigned area is large and spread out (roughly 1.5 sq. miles with over 1300 houses), we will need many scouts and drivers to help on both days. Parents who can drive, please fill out the information especially providing your cell phone number.

** Donut breakfast will be provided for participating scouts & parent drivers. **

Contact Mrs. Michelle Marge if you have questions.

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Indoor Rock Climbing Overnighter

 Saturday-Sunday, November 5-6, 2016

Meet: Saturday, Nov 5th, 7PM @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Pickup: Sunday, Nov 6th, 8AM @ Bridges Rock Gym, 5635 San Diego Street El Cerrito, CA 94530,
(510) 525-5635

Cost: $48 for scout or adult, includes climbing, snacks, dinner (may be adjusted depending on final headcount)
Attire: Class B & knee length shorts or sweatpants, tennis shoes. NO tight fitting pants/shorts, No Jeans, NO sandals, crocks, or flip-flops
Required: Bridges Rock Gym liability form and Permission slip due 10/25/2016 at PLC
Bring: Water bottle, sleeping bag and overnight necessities (no need for sleeping pads, floors are padded)
Optional: Signed Climbing blue card from Mr. Chan (available from Mr. Ghatta)

An awesome opportunity for extreme FUN and learning about CLIMBING at Bridges Rock Gym in El Cerrito. Reservations are from 8:00pm Saturday to 8:00am Sunday. Come join your patrol and learn some climbing techniques. Climbing races and patrol competitions will be held. Snacks and drinks will be provided throughout the night. Pizza will be provided around 11:00PM. Eat before or bring a bag dinner.

Merit Badge: A special session will be held for anyone wishing to earn their Climbing Merit Badge.
From start to finish, Scouts will have opportunity to complete the requirements for the Climbing Merit Badge in this 4hr session. NO Additional Cost for this Merit Badge.

In addition to earning your Climbing Merit Badge, Bridges Rock Gym offers the following activities!

Bouldering Climbing | Top Rope Climbing | Slackline | Climbing Lessons | Karaoke

Contact Mr Ghatta if you have questions.

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Disney Family Museum and Scavenger Hunt/Walk

 Saturday, December 10th, 2016

Location: Disney Family Museum, San Francisco
Meet: 8am @ Walnut Creek BART station
Return: ~5pm @ Walnut Creek BART station
Cost: $40 Adult / $35 Scout – includes BART ticket, museum entry and ice cream
Attire: Class A
Required: Permission slip due Nov 15th
Details: Participating Scouts and Adults must be able to walk approximately 10 miles roundtrip. Everyone will need to bring a smart phone (for the scavenger hunt), sun screen, a bag lunch and plenty of water – hydration backpacks are recommended. Heavy rain reschedules this event.

Located in the scenic Presidio of San Francisco, the Disney Family Museum features contemporary, interactive galleries with state-of-the-art exhibits narrated in Walt’s own voice alongside early drawings, cartoons, films, music, a spectacular model of Disneyland, and more. On our walk to and from the museum, scouts will also be participating in a San Francisco-themed scavenger hunt.

Please contact Mr Alexander (925-915-0364) if you have any questions.

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