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January 2016 Troop Tidings

Dear Troop,

The Jan_2016_Troop_Tidings iJan_2016_Troop_Tidings1s ready.

Check out the newsletter to learn of the exciting events, meetings, and activities happening this month and next. This issue also features an educational series article on Business, including merit badge requirements. Thanks Mr. Laubach!


Posted in Troop News

Intermediate Backpacking

DSCN1919Dates: Saturday, February 27 to Sunday, February 28, 2016
Meet: Saturday, 9:00 a.m. at the Danville Park & Ride
Return: Sunday, approximately 4:00 p.m., at Danville Park & Ride. Scouts will call ahead with actual pickup time. (Our likely return window is between 3:00 and 4:30.)
Cost: $15 for campsite & travel costs. (Meals by patrols.)
Attire: T805 hiking or other synthetic wicking shirt. (No cotton!)
Participants need appropriate backpacking and quality rain gear: backpacks, 10 essentials, boots, waterproof shells (for body, head and packs – no ponchos!), layered clothing, extra socks, gallon ziplocks for dry clothes, synthetic sleeping bags, and 2-3 liters of water. No cotton! (“Cotton kills.”)
Bring sack lunch for Saturday (in gallon Ziploc, not paper sack). All other meals will be planned and purchased by patrols.

– 02/09 Permission slip due at Troop Meeting
– 02/16 Mandatory planning meeting at Troop meeting
– 02/23 Mandatory pack check at PLC

An adventurous overnight backpack trip through three local regional parks. We’ll warm up Saturday with a five mile hike into Round Valley Regional Preserve, climbing 850 feet, and camping overnight at Round Valley Group Campground. Sunday we’ll hike through the Los Vaqueros Watershed and into Morgan Territory Regional Preserve, stretching our legs with 1,400 feet of climbing over eight miles through some fantastic country. This outing goes forward rain or shine, so bring good boots, good rain gear and an adventurous spirit! This moderately-strenuous intermediate-level backpack is open to scouts with previous backpacking experience and good fitness levels.

Contact Mr Gary if you have questions.

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Danville Today News

Our own Eagle Scout Chris Behring is in a cover story in Danville Today News – December edition. Here is an excerpt. Check out the full article here!

Inspired by his grandfather’s recollections of serving as a fighter pilot in Viet-nam, Danville Scout Chris Behring knew he wanted his Eagle Project to benefit veterans. Working with Maureen Morley, EBSD Special Projects Coordinator, Chris designed and executed his project in 2014 supporting EBSD by raising money for sleeping bags and directing fellow scouts from his troop in videotaping interviews with veterans for the Library of Congress History Project. Big 5 Sporting Goods, a regular EBSD sponsor, provided high quality sleeping bags at $15 apiece for veterans to keep after Stand Down. With the help of troop mates and the Rotary Clubs he personally addressed, Behring was able to raise over $11,000.

In order to qualify for inclusion in the Library of Congress Project, each recording of a veteran recounting his or her military experiences must last at least 30 minutes. A special tent was setup for the interviews. Commenting on his favorite memory from this portion of his Eagle Project Behring recalls, “One Marine Veteran told a few stories in his interview that he had never told anyone before. His wife was there and she was very grateful because she had never before heard much about what her husband had done during his military service.” Behring was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout at a Court of Honor held on May 17, 2015.

Congratulations Chris on this acknowledgement of your eagle project and your part to help support veterans!

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Mt Saint Helena Hike & Overnighter (rescheduled)


Note: Event rescheduled to due to schedule conflict and pending storm.

Dates: Saturday-Sunday, March 12-13, 2016
Meet: Saturday, March 12th 7:30AM @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Pickup: Sunday, March 13th 3:30PM @Sycamore Park & Ride
– $110
– Optional Rim of the Bay patch ($5.50) and Mt Saint Helena rocker ($1.50)

– Class B uniform is to be worn traveling to and during the hike.
– Class A is to be worn during the Petrified Forest tour and the return home.

Required: Permission slip due 03/01/2016 at Troop Meeting

A hike to Mount St. Helena and an overnighter at Bothe-Napa Valley state park. (We will also tour a Petrified Forest!) This is an 11-mile round trip hike, with an elevation gain of 1,384 feet. At 4,343 feet, Mt. St. Helena is the highest peak in the East Bay. Completing the hike earns you the Mt. St. Helena leg of the Rim of the Bay hike series.

Contact Mr Ray Chan if you have questions.

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Scouting for Food

– November 14 (Saturday) – 10am – 12 noon – Drop off Door Hangers
– November 21 (Saturday) – 10am – 12 noon – Pick up Food Donations
Meet: 187 Woodranch Cir, Danville, CA (Woodranch Club House)
Return: Scouts will be dropped off at home about one-half hour after the event
Cost: $0 (no charge)
Attire: Class A, good walking shoes
Bring: Water
Required: Permission slip due 11/10/2015 at Troop Meeting

This project is an annual National BSA service project where non-perishable foods are collected for the local food banks. We will go door-to-door with informational flyers requesting donations on Saturday November 14th, and collect and deliver the donations to a central point at the LDS church in Danville on Saturday November 21st. Scouts may choose to participate on either or both days.

This is a great event to bring a friend (1st class requirement 10). Scouts will also earn service hours for rank advancement.

Since our assigned area is large and spread out (roughly 1.5 sq. miles with over 1300 houses), we will need many scouts and drivers to help on both days. Parents who can drive, please fill out the information especially providing your cell phone number.

** Donut breakfast will be provided for participating scouts & parent drivers. **

Contact Mrs Yu and Mr Laubach if you have questions.

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