Dates: Saturday to Sunday, October 26-27, 2019
Location: Sugarloaf Ridge State Park, Sonoma County
Meet: Saturday, Oct 26th 9:30am @ Sycamore Park and Ride
Pickup: Sunday, Oct 27nd 1:30pm @ Sycamore Park and Ride
Cost: $25
Attire: Class A (for Travel, Flags, etc) and Class B (for hikes, etc)
Bring: Bag lunch, 10 Essentials, watch weather and bring appropriate gear
Required: Permission slip due Tuesday October 15, 2019
RSVP: Troopmaster
Solar flares? Sunspots? Mountains? Stars? Planets? Meteors? Hiking and camping? Traveling at the speed of light??
Check! It’s happening!
Posted in Troop News
Date: Friday, August 30, 2019
Meet: Las Trampas Regional Wilderness (18012 Bollinger Canyon Road, San Ramon) at 6:00pm
Attire: Class B, Scout Pants or Shorts and “mandatory” close toe shoes
Bring: Picnic dinner and water
Permission slip: 2019 Las Trampas Hike Permission Slip
RSVP: Troopmaster
We will hike the Bollinger Creek Loop Trail (approx. 1.5 miles), the trail is dirt with some rough areas due to live stock traffic. Water Bottle is a must as there is NO WATER in the park.
After our hike we will eat our “bring your own” picnic dinner at the Shady Picnic area until 7:45pm and then return to Park & Ride. Contact Mrs. Quatman teamquatman@gmail.com for questions.
Posted in Troop News

Selling Popcorn = An Easy Way to Earn $ for Scouting + Amazon Gift Cards + Merit Badge Requirements
- Earn Money for ALL of YOUR Scouting: From Summer Camp to High Adventure and everything in between like a new Backpack or Hiking Boots or Scout Pants, and even expenses for your Eagle Court of Honor. When you sell popcorn you earn 33% on every sale! The money you earn will go into your personal T805 scout account for your use. In addition to helping fund your adventures, you’re also helping raise important funding for the Mt. Diablo Silverado Council.
- Earn an Amazon Gift Card when you sell at least $350 in popcorn.
- Grow Your Skill Set related to goal setting, communication, and salesmanship.
- Earn Merit Badge Requirements take a look at the MB opportunities list
- Earn a College Scholarship when you sell $2,500 in popcorn at any time in you’re scouting career you’ll earn 6% of your sales for every year in your very own college scholarship.
Get Started Today!
Download the New Trail’s End app to your mobile device:

- Manage your inventory
- sign up for Storefront sales shifts
- sell to friends, family and neighbors on the app
- accept credit card sales with Square without fees
- sell online for a 35% commission to family and friends near and far with free shipping on every sale!
To sell Show & Sell Popcorn
To participate in Storefront Sales and/or Wagon Sales, please place your Popcorn Kit Order by 8/20 to receive popcorn on 9/5. There is no upfront cost to order Popcorn. Scouts will be responsible for managing their inventory and unsold popcorn can be returned to the Troop to be transferred to other scouts or sold at the October CoH to help support the Troop’s Quartermaster supply fund and reduce the cost of Fall and Spring Scout Skills.
Questions? Contact Mrs. Kelly.
Posted in Troop News
Date: Monday, September 11, 2019
Time: 5:00pm to 7:00pm at Oak Hill Park (3005 Stone Valley Road, Danville)
Attire: Class A
Bring: Sunscreen, water, and a hat.
Register: Troopmaster
Required: Permission slip due Tuesday September 3, 2019
– Parking is available at both Monte Vista high School lots, located on Stone Valley Road and adjacent to the park.
– Keynote Speaker will be FBI Special Agent John F. Bennett: “The Largest FBI Investigation Ever”
– Ice cream will be served after the ceremony
All uniformed scouts and leaders are invited to participate in this meaningful patriotic ceremony to honor and remember the thousands who lost their lives in one of the most infamous attacks on America. In 2001, John Bennett, FBI Special Agent, was in the New Jersey FBI building across from the World Trade Towers. He was immediately involved in investigating the attack that he witnessed firsthand. His immersion in interviewing the survivors to find clues to the terrorists brought forth intense memories that will stay with him forever.
Contact Mrs. Quatman with questions.
Posted in Troop News
Date: September 28, 2019 (Saturday)
Time: 6:30am – 6:00pm
Meet at: Sycamore Park and Ride, depart promptly at 6:30am
Location: Solano County Fairgrounds 900 Fairgrounds Dr., Vallejo, CA (map)
Cost: $35 (pay via Paypal)
Attire: Class A
Bring: Sack lunch, water bottle, sunscreen, merit badge worksheets, camp map, scout book, pencil
– Send top 4 Merit badge choices in order of preference to Mrs. Quatman by July 23th
– Online payment due July 30th
– Permission slip
– Check requirements to be completed prior to arriving at camp (click on blue arrow under the MB on this page)
Advance Camp is a one day activity focused on Merit Badges and/or rank advancement. Scouts will have a full day of fun and learning. There are over 60 Merit Badges to select from. Each scout can select up to two Merit Badges or work on partials (Merit Badges that were started but not completed), or Trailhead (advancement to First Class).
Posted in Troop News | Tagged advanceCamp
Date: Friday night, 7/12 through Sunday morning, 7/14
Cost: $40 per scout
Location: Redwood Regional Park in Oakland
Attire: Class A
Required: For scouts second year and above
Come join us on a fun adventure where we learn the basics of backpacking and hiking. If you are thinking of going to Philmont in the next few years or just want to explore our beautiful trails, this adventure is for YOU! In this adventure, we learn how to properly pack our backpacks, filter our water (demonstration only), cook with backpacking stoves using white gas, eat re-hydrated food, learn trail etiquette, and finally learn basic map and compass navigation.
We only have 16 slots. This is for second year scouts and up. Please sign up before all the slots are gone!
Note: All scouts attending this outing must come to the 7/9 COH. Groups will be formed during the COH for planning.
- Short 3-mile hike (one way)
- Use framed backpacks (external or internal frames)
- Hiking boots or good pair of athletic shoes
- Light weight sleeping bags
- Troop Tents provided
- 1-liter Nalgene bottle or camelback
- Fleece or lightweight pullover for night
- Bring sack dinner for Friday night – Saturday lunch, dinner and Sunday breakfast will be backpacking meals and cooked by the scouts. (Samples of the freeze dry food for the scouts to see will be at the 7/9 COH group planning session).
Register on TroopMaster and permission slip due by July 9th
For questions, contact Mr. Mar or Mrs. Arunkumar
Posted in Troop News | Tagged backpacking, hiking, redwood regional