Date: Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Time: 5:00pm to 7:00pm @ Oak Hill Park (3005 Stone Valley Road, Danville)
Attire: Class A
Bring sunscreen, water, and a hat. Please eat something before coming and stay hydrated. Parents and siblings can bring a chair or picnic blanket. Jackets may be needed as the sun sets.
All Scouts and Parents are encouraged to attend this annual civic ceremony to honor those lost and injured in duty to our country. Local and State leaders will be in attendance, as well as police and fire department leadership and representatives.
This event will be in lieu of our regular meeting.
Scouts will participate in the event by standing at attention during the ceremony.
The keynote speaker will be Andy Swartzell who participated in the New York World Trade Center recovery mission.
Posted in Troop News
What: Two nights of camping, cooking, campfires, Cave Tours and Giant Redwoods!
Date: Friday, September 7 to Sunday, September 9
Where: Calaveras Big Trees State Park, Arnold, CA and Mercer Caverns, Murphys CA
Cost: $95 per Scout (includes camping, meals, and admission to parks)
Meet: Sycamore Park & Ride 4:30 pm for 5:00 pm departure
Return: 4:00 pm at Park & Ride Scouts should have $5-$10 to buy lunch on the way home. We will call with ETA from Angel’s Camp
Attire: Class A Uniforms to travel, Class B for camping and cave tour
Required: Permission slip and Signed Medical A&B Forms due Tuesday, August 21
Scouts and parents, this is a fabulous trip to see some amazing sights in California! Friday night we will set up camp at Big Trees Campground in Arnold, CA. After flags and a scout cooked breakfast, we’ll head over to Murphys for a tour of Mercer Caverns and enjoy a homemade ice cream (time permitting) in the historic town of Murphys. A quick tour of Big Trees State Park will wrap up our epic weekend. All ranks are welcome. OSPL needed.
Brown bag dinner on Friday. Each Scout/adult responsible for lunch $ needed for return trip.
Possible MBs: Geology, Forestry, Cooking, and Camping… Scouts, think about what you can accomplish and bring your books !
Parents: Drivers / campers needed! We will also need an adult QM. Contact Mrs. Wong or Mr. Yamada with questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News
Date: Friday, August 17 to Sunday, August 19
Location: Ranchos Los Mochos (18450 Mines Road, Livermore, CA 94550)
Meet: 4:30pm @ Sycamore Park and Ride
Pickup: 1 – 2pm @ Sycamore Park and Ride
Cost: $25 for Scouts and adults; includes 4 scout meals
Attire: Class A and B hiking or other synthetic wicking shirt
Required: Permission slip and payment due on August 14
- Scouts must travel in their full Class A Uniform
- Scout and Patrol activities include (but not limited to): Archery, Zorch, Card games, Fireside skits (bring costumes, jokes, cheers, songs, and “repeat after me” programs), Geocaching, Orienteering, Cooking, Hiking, Sleeping, and Board Games such as Monopoly, Sorry, and Apples to Apples.
- Scouts will learn how to make their favorite Cobbler…and maybe Mr. B will make Ice Cream
- Advancement Opportunities: Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, 1st Class, Cooking, and possibly a service project.
- Each Scout must bring Friday dinner ready to eat in a bag. Patrols may be mixed up; you will need to plan menus for Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and Sunday breakfast.
- Signed Medical A&B forms required
Posted in Troop News
Date: Tuesday Aug 7th 2018
Time: 7:00 – 8:30pm
Location: San Ramon Olympic Pool & Aquatic Center, 9900 Broadmoor Dr, San Ramon
Cost: $2 for Scouts, $5 for participating or observing non-leader Parents
Attire: Swim shorts, warm clothing to change into (T805 Class B)
Bring: Permission Slip, cash for outing cost; towel; water bottle; change of clothes etc.
Our annual troop swim meeting is Tuesday evening, August 7. This takes the place of our regular troop meeting that evening.
All Scouts who have not passed a BSA Swim Test as recorded in TroopMaster will be required to take the Swim test (100 yd Swim). Non-Swimmers can be in the shallow roped off area of the pool.
Scouts must bring signed permission slip and cash for entrance fee, towel, water bottle, change of clothes (could get cold), swim goggles (optional) etc.
Parents, please walk your Scout and hand-off custody to the ASM leader in front of the gates. You are more than welcome to stay and watch from the bleachers. Cost is $5 entrance fee.
Feel free to contact Mr. Benveniste if you have any questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged troopMeeting
Dear Scouts,

I am hosting two Photography Merit Badge clinics for any interested scouts. The choices are:
Tuesday, July 31 from 6:30 to 8:15 PM (during PLC) or Sunday, August 5 from 6:30 to 8:15 PM.
We will meet at the Sycamore Valley Park, 2101 Holbrook Dr. (the same location as the July COH).
I will bring the blue cards, no need to ask Mr. Chan.
To participate, please complete questions 1, 2, 3, and 8 on the workbook BEFORE coming to the meeting. Bring a working camera (ideally one that ONLY takes pictures) We will go over your pre-work and work on questions 4, 5, 6 and 7 together.
If you would like to participate, please click here to sign up.
Yours in Scouting,
Mrs. Grace Dagen
Posted in Troop News
Date: September 29, 2018 (Saturday)
Time: 6:30am – 6:00pm
Meet at: Sycamore Park and Ride, depart promptly at 6:30am
Location: Solano County Fairgrounds 900 Fairgrounds Dr., Vallejo, CA (map)
Cost: $35 (pay via Paypal)
Attire: Class A
Bring: Sack lunch, water bottle, sunscreen, merit badge worksheets, camp map, scout book, pencil
– Send top 4 choices to Mrs. Quatman
– Online payment due July 27th
– Permission slip due September 25th
– Check requirements to be completed prior to arriving at camp (click on blue arrow under the MB on this page)
Advance Camp is a one day activity focused on Merit Badges and/or rank advancment. Scouts will have a full day of fun and learning. There are over 60 Merit Badges to select from. Each scout can select up to two Merit Badges or work on partials (Merit Badges that were started but not completed), or Trailhead (advancement to First Class).
Refer to the following for more info:
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged advanceCamp, meritBadge