Date: April 26-28, 2019 (Fri-Sun)
Location: Rancho Los Mochos Scout Camp (map) – 18 miles SE of Livermore, CA
Meet: Fri 4:30pm @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Return: Sun 1-2pm @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Cost: $60 for scouts or adults. No refunds.
Attire: Class A & B. All other clothing, including hats, must either have a scouting logo or plain. No team, insignia or camouflage clothing.
Bring: Bag dinner for Friday, snacks for Saturday
Required: T805 Permission Slip (coming soon), RSVP (include T-shirt size), BSA Medical Form A & B, Shooting Sports Permission Form due March 12th
Spring is coming and with spring every year, we have Camporee. ALL SCOUTS are encouraged to attend. There is something for EVERYONE.
Camporee is a weekend overnight outing for your scouts. They spend late Friday, Saturday and parts of Sunday at Los Mochos participating in friendly competition with other troops, play lots of games, shooting, archery, and friendly cooking competition. All troops in our area participates at Camporee!
All scouts should arrive in Full Class A uniform and will be inspected at check-in. Camporee Class B T-shirts will be issued upon our arrival. New this year: Ever wished for a Camporee shirt that fits you? Your wish came true! Please provide your shirt size in the comments area when you RSVP on Troopmaster before March 9th.
Contact Mr Benvensite (415-646-6739) with questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camporee

Date: April 28-30, 2017 (Fri-Sun)
Location: Rancho Los Mochos Scout Camp (map) – 18 miles SE of Livermore, CA
Meet: Fri 4:30pm @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Return: Sun 1-2pm @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Cost: $60 for scouts or adults. No refunds.
Attire: Class A & B. All other clothing, including hats, must either have a scouting logo or plain. No team, insignia or camouflage clothing.
Bring: Bag dinner for Friday, snacks for Saturday
Required: Permission Slip, BSA Medical Form A & B, Parental Firearm Permission Form due March 21st
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping, camporee
Date: April 29 – May 1 (Friday – Sunday)
Place: Rancho Los Mochos Scout Camp (map) – 18 miles SE of Livermore, CA
Cost: $50 for scouts or adults. No refunds.
Attire: Class A. All other clothing, including hats, must either have a scouting logo or plain. No team, insignia or camouflage clothing.
Bring: Bag dinner for Friday, snacks for Saturday
Required: Permission Slip, Parental Firearm Permission Form
Spring is coming and with spring every year, we have Camporee. ALL SCOUTS are encouraged to attend. There is something for EVERYONE.
Camporee is a weekend overnight outing for your scouts. They spend late Friday, Saturday and parts of Sunday at Los Mochos participating in friendly competition with other troops, play lots of games, shooting, archery, and friendly cooking competition. All troops in our area participates at Camporee!
Important Dates:
03/22 (Tue) – Permission slip, Firearm permission slip, and payment due at Troop meeting
04/29 (Fri) 4 pm – Meet at Sycamore Park and Ride
05/01 (Sun) 12 pm – Drivers pick up Scouts at Los Mochos
05/01 (Sun) 1 to 2pm – Scouts arrive back at Sycamore Park and Ride
Contact Mr Chan (925-548-6179) & Mr Benvensite (415-646-6739) if you have questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping, camporee, meridianDistrict
Date: April 24 – 26 (Friday – Sunday)
Place: Rancho Los Mochos Scout Camp (map)
Cost: $50 for scouts or adults. No refund.
Attire: Class A. All other clothing, including hats, must either have a scouting logo or plain. No team, insignia or camouflage clothing.
Bring: Bag dinner for Friday, snacks for Saturday
Required: Permission Slip, Parental Firearm Permission Form
Spring is coming and with spring every year, we have Camporee. ALL SCOUTS are encouraged to attend. There is something for EVERYONE.
Camporee is a weekend overnight outing for your scouts. They spend late Friday, Saturday and parts of Sunday at Los Mochos participating in friendly competition with other troops, play lots of games, shooting, archery, and friendly cooking competition. All troops in our area participates at Camporee!
Important Dates:
03/24 (Tue) – Permission slip and Firearm permission form due at Troop meeting
04/24 (Fri) 4pm – Meet at Sycamore Park and Ride
04/26 (Sun) 12pm – Drivers pick up Scouts at Los Mochos
04/26 (Sun) ~1:30pm – Scouts arrive back at Sycamore Park and Ride
Contact Mr Chan (925-548-6179) if you have questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping, camporee, meridianDistrict