Dear Troop,
The November Troop 805 newsletter is ready. Please review the newsletter to learn of the exciting events, meetings, activities, and family information. This month features educational articles on Service Projects and details on the Troop 805 30th Anniversary Celebration!
Dirk Dougherty
Posted in Troop News | Tagged newsletter

Dear Troop,
The October Troop 805 newsletter is ready. Please review the newsletter to learn of the exciting events, meetings, activities, and family information. This month features educational articles on Cinematography and movie making.
Dirk Dougherty
Posted in Troop News | Tagged newsletter
Dear Troop,
The September Troop 805 newsletter is ready. Please review the newsletter to learn of the exciting events, meetings, activities, and family information. This month features an educational article on Archery, a really nice article on the recent Philmont trip, and some help wanted requests.
Dirk Dougherty
Posted in Troop News | Tagged newsletter
The September District newsletter is now available.
Find out more about upcoming events, training opportunities, and committee openings.
Our district has collected over $112K pledges and donations for this year’s Friends of Scouting. We are only $6K away from the District goal!! Thank you to those who contributed. Donations can still be made online at the Council website.
Posted in Scouting News | Tagged meridianDistrict, newsletter
Dear Troop,
The August Troop 805 newsletter is ready. Next month I hope to return to the early in the month publishing schedule. Please review the newsletter to learn of the exciting events, meetings, activities, and family information. This month features educational articles on Philmont and some help wanted requests.
Dirk Dougherty
Posted in Troop News | Tagged newsletter
Dear Troop,
The Troop 805 newsletter for July 2014 is finally ready. Please excuse the delay, but Comcast decided to cut our cable service at an inopportune time. Please review the newsletter to learn of the exciting events, meetings, activities, and family information. This month features educational articles on this month’s theme of Summer camp.
Dirk Dougherty
Posted in Troop News | Tagged newsletter