Dates: Saturday-Sunday, November 4-5, 2017
Meet: Saturday, Nov 4th, 6:15pm @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Pickup: Sunday, Nov 5th, 7am @ Diablo Rock Gym (map)
– $60 for scout or adult (includes climbing, snacks, dinner) OR
– $100 for scout (includes all of the above + climbing MB session) – Note: 8 scouts minimum to hold merit badge session
Attire: Class B
Required (due by 10/24/2017):
– Permission slip
– Touchstone liability form
– Payment
– Online registration
– Scoutmaster-signed blue card if doing Climbing MB
Posted in Troop News | Tagged meritBadge, overnighter, rockClimbing

Dates: Saturday-Sunday, November 5-6, 2016
Meet: Saturday, Nov 5th, 7PM @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Pickup: Sunday, Nov 6th, 8AM @ Bridges Rock Gym, 5635 San Diego Street El Cerrito, CA 94530,
(510) 525-5635
Cost: $48 for scout or adult, includes climbing, snacks, dinner (may be adjusted depending on final headcount)
Attire: Class B & knee length shorts or sweatpants, tennis shoes. NO tight fitting pants/shorts, No Jeans, NO sandals, crocks, or flip-flops
Required: Bridges Rock Gym liability form and Permission slip due 10/25/2016 at PLC
Bring: Water bottle, sleeping bag and overnight necessities (no need for sleeping pads, floors are padded)
Optional: Signed Climbing blue card from Mr. Chan (available from Mr. Ghatta)
An awesome opportunity for extreme FUN and learning about CLIMBING at Bridges Rock Gym in El Cerrito. Reservations are from 8:00pm Saturday to 8:00am Sunday. Come join your patrol and learn some climbing techniques. Climbing races and patrol competitions will be held. Snacks and drinks will be provided throughout the night. Pizza will be provided around 11:00PM. Eat before or bring a bag dinner.
Merit Badge: A special session will be held for anyone wishing to earn their Climbing Merit Badge.
From start to finish, Scouts will have opportunity to complete the requirements for the Climbing Merit Badge in this 4hr session. NO Additional Cost for this Merit Badge.
In addition to earning your Climbing Merit Badge, Bridges Rock Gym offers the following activities!
Bouldering Climbing | Top Rope Climbing | Slackline | Climbing Lessons | Karaoke
Contact Mr Ghatta if you have questions.
Posted in Troop News | Tagged overnighter, rockClimbing
Dates: Saturday-Sunday, November 7-8, 2015
Meet: Saturday, Nov 7th, 6:15PM @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Pickup: Sunday, Nov 8th, 7AM @ Diablo Rock Gym (map)
– $60 for scout or adult (includes climbing, snacks, dinner) OR
– $100 for scout (includes all of above + climbing MB session) – Note: 8 scouts minimum to hold merit badge session
Attire: Class B
Required: Touchstone liability form and Permission slip due 10/20/2015 at Troop Meeting
Optional: Scoutmaster-signed blue card if doing Climbing MB
An opportunity for extreme FUN and learning about CLIMBING at Diablo Rock Gym (owned by Touchstone Climbing and Fitness) in Concord. Reservations are from 7:00pm Saturday to 7:00am Sunday. Come join your patrol and learn some climbing techniques. Climbing races and patrol competitions will be held. Snacks and drinks will be provided throughout the night. Pizza will be provided around 11:00PM. Eat before or bring a bag dinner.
Merit Badge: If 8 or more scouts sign up, a special session from 7:00-11:00pm will be held for anyone wishing to earn their Climbing Merit Badge. From start to finish, Scouts will have opportunity to complete the requirements for the Climbing Merit Badge in this 4hr session. Additional cost applies, see permission slip for detail.
Contact Mr Ghatta if you have questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged meritBadge, overnighter, rockClimbing