Date: May 29-31 (Fri-Sun)
Meet & Location: Cal High, 9870 Broadmoor Drive, San Ramon – Football Stadium
Cost: Free
Attire: Class B (except those doing the Flag Ceremony – must be in Class A)
Required: Permission slip due May 19th
We will be assisting the American Cancer Society at their premiere local fund raising event Relay for Life. We will need scouts and adults to help with set-up and take down for the event. We also need scouts to perform the Relay Flag Ceremony. Participation will count for Service Hours needed for rank advancement.
You can sign up for one, two or all of the following events:
- Setup: Friday, May 29 from 5 pm to 7 pm.
- Flag Ceremony: Saturday, May 30 from 9:30 am to 10:30 am.
- Take Down: Sunday, May 31 from 10:00 am to 12 noon.
Contact Mr Screechfield (925-570-1999) for questions.
Posted in Service Project, Troop News | Tagged serviceProjects
Date & Time: April 10th (Friday), 9am – late afternoon
Backup Date & Time: April 12th (Sunday), 9am – late afternoon
Location: Sycamore Valley Elementary School (map)
Meet: Sycamore Valley Elementary School
Attire: Wear working clothes, no BSA uniform
Cost: None
Lunch: Pizza lunch will be provided
Required: Permission slip
We have an opportunity to pay back in service hours and projects to Sycamore School for hosting our Troop’s weekly meeting place at the school’s MPR. We will be doing 4 projects during the Spring Break in the school yard area. The projects are:
- Repaint the USA States map.
- Repaint the Red lines on the ground.
- Clear bushes and affix stepping stones on path between parking lot near Kindergarten area.
- Build a curb to stop balls in baseball field area.
For the two painting projects we will have a supply of paint, brushes, drip cloth and masking tape.
For the clearing bushes / stepping stone and build curb projects, bring gloves and any gardening tools.
Please select the boxes in permission slip to signup with names. If you are only able to participate for only a few hours, we still want you. Please indicate the time and hours in the signup box.
Important Dates:
03/31 (Tue) – Permission slip due at Court of Honor
04/10 (Fri) 09:00am – Drop off scouts at Sycamore Valley Elementary School
04/10 (Fri) late pm – Pick up scouts at Sycamore Valley Elementary School
04/12 (Sun) 09:00am – (If needed) Drop off scouts at Sycamore Valley Elementary School
04/12 (Sun) late pm – (If needed) Pick up scouts at Sycamore Valley Elementary School
Contact Mr Huen (510-816-6883) for questions.
Posted in Service Project, Troop News | Tagged serviceProjects
Date: March 7th (Saturday)
Time: 6:30am – 8:30am
Location: Monte Vista High School (map)
Meet: Monte Vista High School
Attire: Class A
Cost: None
Required: Permission slip
Note: This event overlaps with Shooting Sports Day in time. Do not sign up for both events without speaking to the Outing ASMs first.
All scout groups need a sponsoring organization and we have been fortunate to have the Kiwanis sponsor us for a number of years now. One of the ways we show our appreciation for their sponsorship is by helping out with their service projects. The Kiwanis will be providing breakfast for staff at the annual Youth To Youth conference for middle school students. Troop 805 will be working with them to set up, serve and clean up after the breakfast.
Important Dates:
03/03 (Tue) – Permission slip due at Troop meeting
03/07 (Sat) 06:30am – Drop off scouts at Monte Vista High School
03/07 (Sat) 08:30am – Pick up scouts at Monte Vista High School
Contact Mr Matsunaga (925-838-1617) for questions.
Posted in Service Project, Troop News | Tagged serviceProjects
Date: December 20 (Saturday) and December 21
Time: 12 noon – 6pm
Location: Bishop Ranch #2; 2682 Bishop Drive, Suite 101, San Ramon (map)
Cost: Free
Attire: Class B
Bring: (optional) Bring your own tools (like screw drivers, wrenches, etc) if you have them
Adopt-A-Family Bikes (AAFB) program is looking for volunteers to help clean and refurbish used bicycles and give them away to families for Christmas. This is a GREAT program…as scouts, we should help this program. All Boy Scouts and ADULT parents are welcome to help…
We can:
- Get experience working on bikes and fulfill Cycling MB requirements # 2, 3, and 5.
- Make a difference in the life of another child by providing a cleaned, repaired bicycle as a gift. We hope to donate about 300 bikes this year! Think of all the people that would help!
- Obtain service hours by providing this meaningful community service. – I know for a fact that many of you scouts need service hours.. this is a great opportunity…
If you have time this Saturday and Sunday, please consider coming by and help out this worthy cause… If you have your own tools (like screw drivers, wrenches, etc.) – please bring them… This is a GREAT way to give back to our community.
For more information on the Adopt A Family Bikes (AAFB) program and what is done with the hundreds of bikes each year, go to http://www.adoptafamilybikes.org/. I hope we can get many Scouts to help out, even for 2-3 hours.
Contact Mr Mahoney for questions.
Posted in Service Project, Troop News | Tagged serviceProjects

WHO: Boy Scouts and Venture Scouts, along with parent drivers, working with CERT-trained volunteers and Ham Radio Operators.
WHAT: Semi-annual Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Drill covering the San Ramon Valley. Pairs of scouts will be stationed in parts of our community and will read emergency scenarios to mobile Ham Radio Operators, who will prioritize the information and radio in the most important situations to our EOC (Emergency Operations Center). Parent drivers will need to shuttle scouts and may be need to drive Ham Radio Operators through the neighborhoods.
WHEN: Saturday, November 15; 9:00-11:00 a.m. (~2 hours)
WHERE: San Ramon Valley.
WHY: (1) Serve your community; (2) Fulfill requirement # 7 for the Eagle-required Emergency Preparation Merit Badge; (3) Learn more about the Emergency Response and Multi-agency Operations; (4) See CERT procedures in action; (5) Have fun!!!
BONUS: As a “thank you” at 12 noon our Fire Department will give a free pizza lunch and special tour of a fire station (station # 36 near Blackhawk East Gate). You won’t want to miss this one!
HOW: Fill out the permission slip, have your parents sign it, and bring it with you on Saturday. Also, be sure to indicate if you will
- participate in the CERT Drill only (9 a.m. to 11 a.m.) OR
- participate in the CERT Drill (9 a.m. to 11 a.m.) PLUS pizza lunch/fire station tour (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.)
We need at least 10 Scouts and 4 parent to drive. Thanks much for support this important community drill!
Yours in Scouting,
Mr. Rand Mahoney
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged serviceProjects
– November 8 (Saturday) – 11AM – 1PM – Drop off Door Hangers
– November 15 (Saturday) – 11AM – 1PM – Pick up Food
Meet: 190 Wood Ranch Circle, Danville, CA (Wood Ranch Club House)
Return: Scouts will be dropped off at home about one-half hour after the event
Cost: $0 (no charge)
Attire: Class A
Required: Permission slip due November 4th
This project is an annual National BSA service project where non-perishable foods are collected for the local food banks. We will to go door-to-door with informational flyers requesting donations on Saturday November 8th, and collect and deliver the donations to a central point at the LDS church at Sycamore and Old Orchard on Saturday November 15th. Scouts may choose to participate in either (or both) days. Scouts do earn service hours for rank advancement.
Since our assigned areas tend to be fairly large we will need drivers to help on both days. Parents who can drive, please fill out the information especially giving me your cell phone number.
**Pizza & drinks will be provided for participating scouts & parent drivers **
Contact ASM Mrs. Miyao [h(925) 556-0602 m(925) 895-7565] if you have questions.
Posted in Service Project, Troop News | Tagged serviceProjects