Date: Saturday, January 11, 2020
Location: Monterey Bay Aquarium, 886 Cannery Row, Monterey
Meet: 6:00am @Sycamore Valley Park & Ride – Depart 6:15am
Return: 8-9pm @Sycamore Valley Park & Ride; we’ll call parents when we’re 45 mins from P&R
Cost: $45 for scouts
Attire: Class A uniform, scout pants, and closed-toe shoes
Required: Signed Permission slip turned in by 12/17/2019
RSVP: Troopmaster
Spend a day with sea creatures to celebrate our theme “By Land or By Sea”. Enjoy informative classes, watch feeding sessions, and just have fun exploring.
Please bring the following:
- Food: Breakfast in the car, bag lunch, and money for dinner stop on the way home ($15)
- Water Bottle
- Spending money at parents’ discretion. Please note scouts are responsible for their own items.
Contact Mrs. Wong for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News
Dates: Sunday, November 10, 2019
Location: Mt. Hermon Adventures, 17 Conference Dr, Felton
Meet: Danville Park & Ride Depart at 12pm and Return ~6pm
Cost: $80
Bring: Backpack with water bottles and snack
Attire: Class B, Long Pants, Closed Toe Shoes, Jacket (Rain Coat if raining)
Required: Mount Herman Online Waiver and Permission slip due 11/5/2019
RSVP and Pay: Troopmaster by 11/1/2019
Join us for the Sequoia Aerial Adventure at Mt. Hermon Adventures. Have an exhilarating adventure while exploring the redwood forest! Select your level of challenge on three aerial trails and over 30 elements, including swinging logs, cargo nets, and cables set 30 to 80 feet in the air! Mount Hermon’s highly trained staff offer instruction and monitor your progress through the course. Each 2-hour session gives you access to the entire aerial adventure course of 30 elements plus two zip lines and the quick jump.
Participating Scouts must be 13 years or older and be at least 54” tall and weigh more than 75lbs. Activity is limited to 16 Scouts. This is a rain or shine event, being in the redwood forest means it’s often foggy and cool, please dress accordingly.
Questions? Contact Mrs. Kelly or (925) 216-0292
Posted in Activities, Troop News
Date: June 23-29, 2019 (Sunday – Saturday)
Location: Camp Oljato, 61953 Huntington Lake Rd, Lakeshore, CA
Cost: $550 (includes transportation)
Bring: Packing List
– 5/28/2019: Additional MB Fees due
– 6/4/2019: BSA Health Form (All parts A, B, and C) due
– Before camp: Print out MB worksheets and obtain MB counselor approval for prerequisites
Parent Meeting Slides
Camp Schedule
Merit Badge List
Merit Badge Schedule
Camp Oljato offers a truly memorable outdoor experience for every Scout and provides opportunities for Scouts to learn new skills, earn Merit Badges, and just have fun in a safe, Scout-led environment!
Our Programs include extensive aquatics (sailing, motor boating, paddle boards, water trampoline, log rolling, water skiing & wake boarding, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, rowing, and life saving), rock climbing, handicraft, welding, nature, Scoutcraft, shooting sports, horsemanship, adult leader training, and a high adventure program.
Camp Highlights:
– Located at 7,000 feet in the Sierra Nevada Mountains on the western shore of Huntington Lake
– Holds up to 350 Scouts, adult leaders, and camp staff during each of the six week-long summer sessions.
– 11 hillside troop campsites with platform tents, running water, tables & fire rings
– 3 sets of restrooms & shower buildings located near campsites
– Trading Post, Dining Hall, Health Lodge centrally located
– Newly constructed program structures and areas for Shooting Sports, Welding, Nature, Scoutcraft, Handicraft, and Waterfront
– Separate areas for shooting sports
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged summerCamp

Date: April 26-28, 2019 (Fri-Sun)
Location: Rancho Los Mochos Scout Camp (map) – 18 miles SE of Livermore, CA
Meet: Fri 4:30pm @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Return: Sun 1-2pm @ Sycamore Park & Ride
Cost: $60 for scouts or adults. No refunds.
Attire: Class A & B. All other clothing, including hats, must either have a scouting logo or plain. No team, insignia or camouflage clothing.
Bring: Bag dinner for Friday, snacks for Saturday
Required: T805 Permission Slip (coming soon), RSVP (include T-shirt size), BSA Medical Form A & B, Shooting Sports Permission Form due March 12th
Spring is coming and with spring every year, we have Camporee. ALL SCOUTS are encouraged to attend. There is something for EVERYONE.
Camporee is a weekend overnight outing for your scouts. They spend late Friday, Saturday and parts of Sunday at Los Mochos participating in friendly competition with other troops, play lots of games, shooting, archery, and friendly cooking competition. All troops in our area participates at Camporee!
All scouts should arrive in Full Class A uniform and will be inspected at check-in. Camporee Class B T-shirts will be issued upon our arrival. New this year: Ever wished for a Camporee shirt that fits you? Your wish came true! Please provide your shirt size in the comments area when you RSVP on Troopmaster before March 9th.
Contact Mr Benvensite (415-646-6739) with questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camporee
Date: January 19, 2019, Saturday
Time: 9:30am to 12:30pm
Drop off and pick up: At K1 Speed Go Kart, 6400 Sierra Ct Suite B, Dublin
Cost: $65
Attire: Class B and closed-toe shoes
We will start the day at 9:30am at K1 Go Karting with a merit badge class on Traffic Safety, offered by a California Highway Patrol Officer who will review all of the elements required to complete the Traffic Safety Merit Badge and will sign off at the end on blue cards for Scouts who participate. Note that some prep work (homework) will be required and this will be handed out on or before January 15th to each Scout submitting their permission slip.
Following the Traffic Safety Merit Badge session, Troop 805 scouts will participate in a K1 Speed Grand Prix which includes 3 races in high performance go karts. Racing will be done by 12:30pm. Please plan to drop off and pick up your scouts at K1 Speed in Dublin.
Permission slip – please complete and turn in by the Jan. 15th Troop meeting
Contact Mrs. Arunkumar or Mr. Benveniste for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged go kart, k1 go karting, traffic safety, traffic safety merit badge
Date: Saturday, December 15, 2018 – Subject to weather
Meet: 9:15am @Sycamore Valley Park & Ride – Depart 9:30am sharp
Return: 12:30pm @Sycamore Valley Park & Ride; scouts will call parents upon leaving Golfland
Cost: $12 for scouts and adults
Attire: Class A uniform
An opportunity for fun and patrol competition at miniature golf. We will be inviting Webelos to join us on this outing. This is a chance to help recruitment and distinguish Troop 805 from other Troops.
Permission slip is due 12/11th
Contact Mr. Screechfield for questions, email:
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged golf, mini golf, recruitment