Date: January 26th, 2019 (Saturday)
Time: 8:30am – 4:00pm
Location: Diablo Valley College, 321 Golf Club Rd., Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 (map) (campus map)
Cost: $45 per participant (includes lunch)
Join your Fellow Scouters on January 26, 2019 for a day of learning, fun, and experience.
L.E.A.D. is our Council’s ultimate training event for Scout Leaders, Parents, and Senior Scouts.
- What is STEM and how does it work?
- Where can I go Camping, Hiking or Backpacking in Northern California?
- Where can I get in-person training?
- I want to be a Den Chief?
L.E.A.D. has you covered. L.E.A.D. offers over 130 classes. The day is broken up into 6 sessions. Some classes are 1 session, others, such as CPR certification, are 3 sessions, while even others, last all day. Use the links below to select your classes and register . . .and don’t forget to bring your friends.
Revised link for Registration – Course Descriptions – Course Schedules, visit here.
Contact Mr Chan if you have questions.
Posted in Troop News | Tagged LEAD
Date: Sunday, December 9, 2018 9:00am to 4:00pm
Depart: At 8:30am from the Sycamore Park & Ride (Return 4:30pm)
Location: BSA San Francisco Bay Area Council’s The Rock (1001 Davis Street, San Leandro)
Cost: $40 (includes $35 Merit Badge Session + $5 Lunch)
Activity is limited to 12 scouts!
You’ll be climbing the walls at this activity! Join the troop at BSA San Francisco Bay Area Council’s The Rock for a private Climbing Merit Badge session with BSA staff. The Rock is a 32-foot natural looking rock with numerous routes to climb. Climbing routes vary in difficulty, so everyone can have fun no matter what their experience level is.

The Climbing Merit Badge requires at least 6 hours of time to complete requirements, about 3 of which are classroom safety learning and knots, and about 3 (or more) hours on practical skills in the Rock climbing area.
Dress in Class B with pants or long shorts and closed toe shoes or climbing shoes. Bring a water bottle. Lunch will be provided.
2018 Climbing MB Session Permission Slip
RSVP via Troopmaster Activity Registration – click here.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged climbing, climbing merit badge, the rock
We are hosting the Basketry Merit Badge Clinic for any scouts interested. We can accommodate up to 20 scouts with priority going to those with partials. To complete the requirements, we will meet three times in the MPR, each time to work on one basket. Scouts with partials can come to only the meeting(s) to complete the requirements that are needed.
- November 27, 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM, requirements 1, 2, & 3b (round basket)
- December 4, 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM, requirement 3c (camp stool)
- December 11, 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM, requirement 3a (square basket)
The supplies cost $25 for all three basketry kits, tape, and clips. Please sign-up on TroopMaster (Click here to Register/RSVP for this event. ) and pay online by Wednesday, November 21. If you missed the payment date, or already have the materials, you can bring your own kits but they must be identical to the materials we’re using (see links above). No pre-work or permission forms needed. Blue Cards will be provided.Dress in Class B shirt but bring your Class A shirt for the Troop meeting on December 4 and 11. Note that there is no troop meeting on November 27.
For questions, please contact Mrs. Grace Dagen at
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged basketry, basketry merit badge, merit badge

Why sell popcorn? Earn $ for YOUR Scouting + Prizes + Merit Badge Requirements
- Earn Money for ALL of YOUR Scouting: From Summer Camp to High Adventure and everything in between like a new Backpack or Hiking Boots or Scout Pants, and even expenses for your Eagle Court of Honor. When you sell popcorn you earn 35% on every sale! The money you earn will go into your personal T805 scout account for your use. In addition to helping fund your adventures, you’re also helping raise important funding for the Mt. Diablo Silverado Council – every popcorn sale gives 70% back to local scouting (35% to you and 35% to MDSC).
- Earn Prizes & Amazon Gift Cards
- Grow Your Skill Set related to goal setting, communication, and salesmanship.
- Earn Merit Badge Requirements take a look at the MB opportunities list
- Earn a College Scholarship
Get Started Today!
Two ways to Sell:
- Set up your online account at
- Sell to friends, family and neighbors with your Take the Order form.
Important Dates
- Order Forms & Payments Due: 10/9 Troop Meeting (Checks Payable to Troop 805)
- Popcorn Pick Up: 11/13 Troop Meeting.
Questions? Contact: Mrs. Yeh at
Thank you! Good Selling!
Posted in Troop News
Date: Friday to Sunday, October 19-21, 2018
Location: Cedar Group Camp at Del Valle Regional Park (7000 Del Valle Road, Livermore, CA, 94550)
Cost: $50 (includes 5 meals, supplies, and campground)
Based on the popular TV show, Survivor, come enjoy a weekend campout at Del Valle Regional Park. We will be organized by Buddy Patrols, comprised of boys from each year, rather than by Patrol. Older Scouts help younger Scouts. This will enable each of the 6 teams to be equally balanced for competitions, revolving around core scouting skills to situational challenges. Specifically, we will focus on the skills needed to achieve rank advancement to first class and high adventure. Out-Law, Out-Camp, Out-Zorch!!!
Arrive in Class A uniform between 5pm-7pm. Patrols will be cooking Friday DINNER together as well as Sunday BREAKFAST. If you need to complete cooking requirements, please let us know. This should be considered a very intro backpacking trip. You must hike downhill 1/3 rd of a mile to camp (no road access). You need to pack into your backpack any gear needed from your patrol box plus 10 essentials, as well as a mess kit and plenty of scout spirit.
Please fill out this permission slip and return it by Tuesday, October 9th.
Questions? Contact Mr. Marshall
Posted in Activities, Troop News
Date: Saturday, September 22, 2018
Time: 9am to 3pm, meet at Sycamore Park and Ride at 8:15 and return at 3:30
Place: Twin Canyon Girl Scout Camp (4010 Springhill Rd, Lafayette, CA 94549)
Attire: work clothes (closed toe shoes, long sleeve shirt and long pants) and a hat.
Bring: work gloves, eye protection, sunscreen, water bottle and bag lunch.
What: Improve a trail at the camp. Will involved installing steps and retaining walls on portions of the trail, widening and leveling portions of the trail and doing general cleanup of the trail.
This is a conservation-related project so it will count for the Life Scout requirement of 6 service project hours with at least 3 hours being conservation related. Come out and spend a day in the fresh air helping the Kiwanis do a good turn for the Girl Scouts!
Please fill out this permission slip and return it by Tuesday, September 18.
Questions? Contact Mr. Matsunaga.
Posted in Troop News