Date: Friday night, 7/12 through Sunday morning, 7/14
Cost: $40 per scout
Location: Redwood Regional Park in Oakland
Attire: Class A
Required: For scouts second year and above
Come join us on a fun adventure where we learn the basics of backpacking and hiking. If you are thinking of going to Philmont in the next few years or just want to explore our beautiful trails, this adventure is for YOU! In this adventure, we learn how to properly pack our backpacks, filter our water (demonstration only), cook with backpacking stoves using white gas, eat re-hydrated food, learn trail etiquette, and finally learn basic map and compass navigation.
We only have 16 slots. This is for second year scouts and up. Please sign up before all the slots are gone!
Note: All scouts attending this outing must come to the 7/9 COH. Groups will be formed during the COH for planning.
- Short 3-mile hike (one way)
- Use framed backpacks (external or internal frames)
- Hiking boots or good pair of athletic shoes
- Light weight sleeping bags
- Troop Tents provided
- 1-liter Nalgene bottle or camelback
- Fleece or lightweight pullover for night
- Bring sack dinner for Friday night – Saturday lunch, dinner and Sunday breakfast will be backpacking meals and cooked by the scouts. (Samples of the freeze dry food for the scouts to see will be at the 7/9 COH group planning session).
Register on TroopMaster and permission slip due by July 9th
For questions, contact Mr. Mar or Mrs. Arunkumar
Posted in Troop News | Tagged backpacking, hiking, redwood regional

Dates: Sat-Sun, May 5-6, 2018
Meet: Saturday, 8am @ Sycamore Valley Park & Ride (map)
Return: Sunday, 12pm, @ Sycamore Valley Park & Ride
Cost: $15
Attire: Class B – backpacking clothes
Prerequisite: Scouts 2nd year and older
Required: Permission slip due Apr 17th
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged backpacking, camping

Dates: Sat-Sun, April 22-23, 2017
Meet: Saturday, 8:30am at the Danville Park & Ride
Return: Sunday, ~ 1:30pm, @ Danville Park & Ride. Scouts will call ahead with actual pickup time.
Prerequisite: Scouts 2nd year and above (Flaming Phoenixes and older scouts)
Cost: $35 for campsite, Saturday dinner, Sunday breakfast, and Sunday lunch at In-n-Out
Attire: Class B synthetic troop t-shirt, hiking clothes & boots (no Class A)
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged backpacking, camping

Event cancelled.
Dates: April 15-16, 2017 (Sat-Sun)
Meet: Saturday, 7am sharp at the Danville Park & Ride
Return: Scouts will be returned to their homes at approximately 5:30pm Sunday.
Cost: $45. Covers campsite meals, campsite, trail snacks, wilderness permit, park entrance fees, travel costs & more.
Attire: T805 hiking or other synthetic wicking shirt. (No cotton!)
Required: Permission slip due March 28th
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged backpacking, camping

Date: Friday, August 5th – Sunday, August 7th, 2016
Meet: 10:00am @ Sycamore Park & Ride on Friday
Return: Scouts will be dropped off at home approximately 3pm Sunday
Cost: $35 adults and scouts (includes campsite fees & transportation)
Attire: Class B (for hiking)
Prerequisites: Scouts must have completed a T805 introduction to backpacking trip of at least 6 miles round trip
Required: Permission slip due July 12
– Bag lunch for Friday
– $10 for lunch on return trip
– Appropriate backpacking clothes and gears
– Save room to pack shared equipment (tents, stoves, fuel) and food
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged backpacking, camping
Dates: Sat-Sun, April 16-17, 2016
Meet: Saturday, 9am sharp at the Danville Park & Ride
Return: Sunday, ~ 2pm, @ Danville Park & Ride. Scouts will call ahead with actual pickup time.
Prerequisite: Scouts 2nd year and above (Mutant Narwhals, Cobras and older scouts)
Cost: $25 for campsite, Saturday dinner, Sunday breakfast, and Sunday lunch at In-n-Out
Attire: Class B synthetic troop t-shirt, hiking clothes & boots (no Class A)
All participants need a framed backpack, 10 essentials, boots and “quality rain gear” (waterproof shells for body, head and packs – no ponchos!), one extra day of clothes and for layering (synthetic please … No Cotton, “Cotton kills”), extra socks, gallon ziplocks for dry clothes, synthetic sleeping bags, and water bottle(s) at least 1 liter (more is better).
Bring sack lunch for Saturday (in gallon ziploc, not paper sack). All other on-trail meals (Sat dinner, Sun breakfast), will be planned, purchased and provided. We will stop at In-n-Out just before returning to Park-n-Ride on Sunday (included in costs). All food and shared camping equipment will be spread around amongst all patrol members to carry and pack in to our campsite.
– 03/21 (By 5pm) Notify Mrs Kim & Mr Benveniste if you plan on doing cooking requirement at this outing
– 03/22 Permission slip due at Troop Meeting, initial equipment discussion & meal planning
– 03/29 Backup pack check at PLC
– 04/12 Final pack, meal and equipment check at Troop meeting
On April 16 & 17th 2016, we have a great backpacking trip through the green, wildflower covered hills of Sunol. We’ll check out Alameda County’s largest stream, Alameda Creek and we’ll pitch our backpacking tents at Stars Rest with views of Mission Peak. We’ll also try different backpacking foods and different water purification methods. This trip is open to 2nd year scouts and above (Mutant Narwhals and Cobras and older scouts), and is for first time backpackers and geared as an introductory backpack outing.
Permission slips and payment are due Mar 22nd 2016 when we will do initial planning and discuss equipment.
Mandatory meetings: The scouts will need to have a backpack check on April 12th (last meeting before outing). If you cannot make that day/time, you may contact Mrs. Kim and Mr. Benveniste to make a special appointment for a backpack check. At the backpack check we will make sure your backpack fits you properly, that you have everything you need, and that you don’t have anything you don’t need. We’ll also divide the food and tent equipment.
Join the fun and start your backpacking experiences this April!
Contact Mrs Kim and Mr Benveniste if you have questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged backpacking, camping