Date: May 9th (Saturday)
Time: 8:30am – 12:30pm
Meet & Pickup: Rancho San Ramon Community Park, 2000 Rancho Park Loop Road. We will meet in the parking lot nearest to the bathroom by the playground.
Cost: Free
– Proper shoes, attire, sun protection and water
– Safety: helmet, gloves, bright colored shirt.
– 10-Mile: None
– 15-Mile: Second year scouts and above. Must have done 10-Mile bike ride or equivalent
Required: Permission slip (10-Mile or 15-Mile), ABC bike check
Bring: Bring water to cycle with (bottle in cage or hydropack), sunscreen and energy bar(s). Also bring flat repair kit including a spare tube.
Next Saturday, May 9th, we have two bike rides for scouts. The scouts can choose either a 10 mile bike ride or 15 mile bike ride. It is important that if a scout turns in the 10 mile permission slip, he rides the 10 mile route. And, if a scout turns in the 15 mile permission slip, he rides the 15 mile route.
Both routes start from the new Rancho San Ramon Community Park off of Bollinger Canyon Road near Windemere. We will ride south along Bollinger Canyon Road in the bike lane until we catch the Alamo Canal Trail at Old Ranch Road. From this point on, we will have a mostly flat, car free ride until we reach Pleasanton. The 10 mile route breaks and turns around at Val Vista Park. The 15 mile route continues on for several more miles before turning around.
Parents are welcome to join their scout on either ride. It will be a fun day!
Please turn in your permission slip by Tuesday, May 5th. If you haven’t had a bike check yet, please bring your bike for a quick check at 6:30 pm. See you there!
Important Dates:
05/05 (Tue) 6:30pm – ABC Bike check before Troop meeting
05/05 (Tue) – Permission slip due at Troop meeting
05/09 (Sat) 8:30am – Meet at Rancho San Ramon Community Park
05/09 (Sat) ~12:30pm – Scouts have to be picked up at Rancho San Ramon Community Park
Contact Mrs Kim (925-785-3732) and Mr Jasty (408-218-4872) for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged cycling
Date: April 18th (Saturday)
Time: 8:30am – 12:30pm
Meet & Pickup: Heather Farm Park, Walnut Creek
Cost: Free
– Proper shoes, attire, sun protection and water
– Safety: helmet, gloves, bright colored shirt.
– Second year scouts and above (RGB’s/Huskies and above)
– Must have done 10-Mile bike ride or equivalent
Required: Permission slip, ABC bike check
Bring: Bring water to cycle with (bottle in cage or hydropack), sunscreen and energy bar(s). Also bring flat repair kit including a spare tube.
Important Dates:
04/14 (Tue) 6:30pm – ABC Bike check before Troop meeting
04/14 (Tue) – Permission slip due at Troop meeting
04/18 (Sat) 8:30am – Meet at Heather Farm Park, Walnut Creek. Eat a good breakfast before ride.
04/18 (Sat) 12:30pm – Scouts have to be picked up at Heather Farm Park, Walnut Creek
Contact Mr Jasty (408-218-4872) for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged cycling
Date: March 21st (Saturday)
Time: 9:00am – 12:30pm
Meet & Pickup: Carquinez Strait Regional Shoreline – Nejedly Staging Area (map)
Cost: Free
Attire: Appropriate Cycling clothes: Troop 805 Cycling shirt (or other bright shirt); well-fitted helmet; eye protection (sun glasses); cycling gloves (recommended); closed toe shoes.
Required: Permission slip, ABC bike check
Bring: Bring water to cycle with (bottle in cage or hydropack), sunscreen and energy bar(s).
An easy and beautiful 10-mile bike ride along the waterfront of the Carquinez Straits through Port Costa and the Carquinez Strait Regional Shoreline. This (or the prior 10-mile ride on 3/1) is a prerequisite to participating in further cycling trips this season. This ride will add important on-road cycling experience for future rides, so please join us.
This outing is open to all second year scouts and above (RGB’s/Huskies and above). We are scheduling another bike ride for new scouts, sometime after their first outing at Scout Skills. We also need adults to support this outing.
ABC Bike Check:
For all bikes not inspected yet this season: bring bikes to the Troop meeting this Tuesday, March 17. If your bike has been inspected this season, you may have a review inspection at the event. (No exceptions.)
Important Dates:
03/17 (Tue) – ABC Bike check
03/17 (Tue) – Permission slip due at Troop meeting
03/21 (Sat) 9:00am – Meet at Carquinez Strait Regional Shoreline – Nejedly Staging Area
03/21 (Sat) 12:30pm – Scouts have to be picked up at Nejedly Staging Area
Contact Mr Gary (925-518-9896) for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged cycling

Date: March 1st (Sunday) – previously schedule for February 8th
Time: 1:30 – 4:30pm
Place: Sycamore Park and Ride
Cost: Free, bring $5 for ice cream
Attire: Flashy bike shirt / jacket
Required: Permission slip, bike, helmet, eye protection, water
Weather permits there will be a 10-mile bike ride along the Iron Horse Trail. With a bike and a helmet, you are welcome to join, for the safety of future rides, you also need flashy shirt/jacket and eye protection. You will learn bike safety, basic maintenance and have lots of fun!
Important Dates:
02/24 (Tue) – ABC Bike check
02/24 (Tue) – Permission slip due at PLC meeting
03/01 (Sun) 1:30pm – Meet at Sycamore Park and Ride, start the ride after ABC check
03/01 (Sun) 4:30pm – Scouts have to be picked up at Sycamore Park and Ride
Contact Mr K. Chan (925-785-3303) for questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged cycling