Earn Your Way to Your Ideal Year of Scouting with POPCORN!
- Raise Funds for Your Adventures – When you sell popcorn to family, friends and neighbors, you’ll earn 35-39% on every sale! The money you earn will go into your personal T805 scout account. Fundraising with popcorn helps you earn your way to Summer Camp, Seabase High Adventure Camp, or any scout activity of YOUR CHOICE!
- Earn a Campership – You can earn extra money for 2018 Summer Camp at Wolfeboro too. Reach $650 in sales with Take the Order + Online and you’ll earn a $60 Campership. Reach $1,500 in sales and earn a $150 Campership! This is in addition to your commission.
- Earn a College Scholarship – Did you know if you sell $2,500 in popcorn this year, Trails End will open a scholarship account in your name with 6% of your earnings this year and 6% of all earnings every year after? You only have to reach $2,500 in sales the first year.
- Earn an Amazon Gift Card – This year, if you sell popcorn Online you can also earn a 5% bonus of your sales over $300. $300 in Sales = $15 Amazon Gift Card. Add $1 for every $20 in sales over $300 to your Amazon Gift Card! This is in addition to your commission.
- Earn a Merit Badge – Did you know you can complete various requirements for 12 different merit badges by selling popcorn?? And two of these Merit Badges are EAGLE required – Communication and Personal Management. Check out the list, contact a MB Counselor and Mr. Chan, and get started today!
- Grow Your Skill Set – In addition to earning money for camp and scout activities, you’ll also work on real-world skills related to goal setting, communication, and salesmanship.
Two Ways to Sell Popcorn: Take the Order & Online.
1. Take the Order: Use the Trails End order form to pre-sell popcorn to family, friends and neighbors for delivery after Nov. 14th. Collect payment at the time of order (cash or check payable to Troop 805), keep all of your payments in an envelope or a Ziploc bag to be turned in with your Take the Order form at the 10/17 Troop meeting.
2. Online: Create a personalized selling page on trails-end.com when you register by visiting www.trails-end.com/register. You can upload pictures or a video and tell your scouting story and how popcorn funds will help you with your next big adventure. The site will provide you with a personalized URL you can share via email, text, or social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat).
Posted in Troop News | Tagged fundraising

Dear Troop 805 Scouts,
Would you like some money to fund your Troop activities? We have the perfect opportunity for you!
From February 21 to March 21, you can sell trash bags and earn 35% commission to help pay for your Scouting activities like camping! Furthermore, you’ll be helping our council raise money for upkeep at Camp Herms, Camp Lindblad, and Camp Wolfeboro.
There are four products available and all bags are made with at least 50% recycled products.
Posted in Troop News | Tagged fundraising, video
Summer is here and that means time to gear up with new biking, hiking, swimming, camping and team sport stuff. Sports Basement is spinning the traditional “loyalty” program into a win-win for their loyal customers and our Council.
Basementeers receive 10% off every item every day and 10% of their purchase is donated to Boy Scouts of America, Mt. Diablo Silverado Council!
On your next visit to Sports Basement, register as a Basementeer and select Boy Scouts of America, Mt. Diablo Silverado Council as your beneficiary! There is no membership fee if you sign up before December 31. After that, there will be a one-time $25 membership fee.
No Sports Basement in your neighborhood? Then shop AmazonSmile and register MDSC as your charity. Every time you shop at AmazonSmile, our Council will receive 1% of your purchase. Two easy ways to help local Boy Scouts while shopping for the stuff you already need.
Posted in Troop News | Tagged fundraising, MDSC
Dear Troop 805 Families,
I am pleased to inform you of the launch of the 2015 FRIENDS OF SCOUTING CAMPAIGN.
Friends of Scouting (FOS) is the annual gift giving program that is critical to the operation of the Scouting program that directly benefits your Scout(s). Did you know that Troop 805 registration fees and dues do NOT cover ANY of the institutional program costs that are associated with each and every Scout? Specifically, the Mt Diablo Silverado Council spends approximately $250 per Scout per year for camp upkeep, camping programs, adult training, unit insurance, forms, materials and resources, special events, advancement tracking, volunteer recognition, and more.
Our goal, this year, is to have 100% of Troop 805 families donate something; even if it is only $10. Please consider the investment you are making in your Scout’s educational life and the organization that is responsible for contributing to leadership development, imparting the values of teamwork, active citizenship and stewardship, encouraging preservation and enjoyment of the great outdoors, building essential life skills and improving practical knowledge as well as fostering a healthy lifestyle and lasting friendships. For those who have led the way in giving early, thank you very much! However, having learned the costs per Scout is $250 in Council spending, I would ask that you please add to your gift, if possible, to close the gap on operating costs in support of your Scout(s). Additionally, since the cost is about $250 per Scout, please seek to apportion your gift to cover at least $250 per participating youth. Of course, if you are unable to donate at the Bobcat level, I encourage you to contribute what you can. There are multiple ways to donate, including billing to your Scout(s) account, donating on-line, and making payments monthly (only $21) quarterly, semiannually and annually. I look forward to speaking with you at our Parent Meeting tonight and will be more than delighted to accept your contribution at that time. As the Troop 805 FOS Coordinator, I will be working diligently to contact every family and provide each one with the opportunity to donate to Scouting and help continue the tradition of excellence in our Council and Troop. For more information, please visit the Mt Diablo Silverado Council website and check out the Friends of Scouting Brochure.
Thank you for your support of the Friends of Scouting Campaign!
Sherri L. Osmond
FOS Unit Coordinator
Scout Parent and a Friend of Scouting
Posted in Troop News | Tagged fundraising, MDSC

Hi Everyone,
Our troop popcorn sale has started. In case you didn’t get an order form at the parent meeting last week, you can download it here.
The order forms are due back at the troop meeting on 10/21, along with the money collected – checks made payable to ‘Troop 805’.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Karen Alexander
Connie Wan-Querubin
Posted in Troop News | Tagged fundraising
It was a perfect day to Go Over the Edge… The sun was out, the weather was comfortable and the wind… well .. it wasn’t too bad for those of us on the ground!
For the record… Mr. Screechfield raised $2,300 dollars to support scouting!!! — THANK YOU ALL for your support…
Posted in Troop News | Tagged fundraising