Date: Thursday, August 8th
Time: 7:30pm (6:30pm for those who are cooking)
Location: LDS Church, 2949 Stone Valley Road, Alamo)
You’re invited to the Meridian Scouting Exchange, a new quarterly format for learning about all things scouting! This is a great opportunity for Scouters and Parents to come out once a quarter to get training, practical help, and scout skills.
Come join the Dutch Oven Cobbler Competition between local units to see who’s the best in the west! Plus learn how to make a paracord bracelet and learn the keys to a successful scouting year and more!
Calling all Dutch Oven Chefs! Troop 805 is in need of help for the Dutch Oven Cobbler Competition. Want to help? Join us at 6:30pm to get started. RSVP here.
This event is open to everyone, not just uniformed leaders:
- Troop Dutch Oven Cobbler Cooking Competition
- Ice Cream Social
- Skills: Make a parachute cord bracelet. Dutch oven demo and instruction
- SPL Challenge: bring your questions and challenges
- Adult Training: key to a successful scouting year
Join us at the 1st Meridian Scouting Exchange!
Posted in Scouting News | Tagged meridianDistrict
Date: April 29 – May 1 (Friday – Sunday)
Place: Rancho Los Mochos Scout Camp (map) – 18 miles SE of Livermore, CA
Cost: $50 for scouts or adults. No refunds.
Attire: Class A. All other clothing, including hats, must either have a scouting logo or plain. No team, insignia or camouflage clothing.
Bring: Bag dinner for Friday, snacks for Saturday
Required: Permission Slip, Parental Firearm Permission Form
Spring is coming and with spring every year, we have Camporee. ALL SCOUTS are encouraged to attend. There is something for EVERYONE.
Camporee is a weekend overnight outing for your scouts. They spend late Friday, Saturday and parts of Sunday at Los Mochos participating in friendly competition with other troops, play lots of games, shooting, archery, and friendly cooking competition. All troops in our area participates at Camporee!
Important Dates:
03/22 (Tue) – Permission slip, Firearm permission slip, and payment due at Troop meeting
04/29 (Fri) 4 pm – Meet at Sycamore Park and Ride
05/01 (Sun) 12 pm – Drivers pick up Scouts at Los Mochos
05/01 (Sun) 1 to 2pm – Scouts arrive back at Sycamore Park and Ride
Contact Mr Chan (925-548-6179) & Mr Benvensite (415-646-6739) if you have questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping, camporee, meridianDistrict
Date: April 24 – 26 (Friday – Sunday)
Place: Rancho Los Mochos Scout Camp (map)
Cost: $50 for scouts or adults. No refund.
Attire: Class A. All other clothing, including hats, must either have a scouting logo or plain. No team, insignia or camouflage clothing.
Bring: Bag dinner for Friday, snacks for Saturday
Required: Permission Slip, Parental Firearm Permission Form
Spring is coming and with spring every year, we have Camporee. ALL SCOUTS are encouraged to attend. There is something for EVERYONE.
Camporee is a weekend overnight outing for your scouts. They spend late Friday, Saturday and parts of Sunday at Los Mochos participating in friendly competition with other troops, play lots of games, shooting, archery, and friendly cooking competition. All troops in our area participates at Camporee!
Important Dates:
03/24 (Tue) – Permission slip and Firearm permission form due at Troop meeting
04/24 (Fri) 4pm – Meet at Sycamore Park and Ride
04/26 (Sun) 12pm – Drivers pick up Scouts at Los Mochos
04/26 (Sun) ~1:30pm – Scouts arrive back at Sycamore Park and Ride
Contact Mr Chan (925-548-6179) if you have questions.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping, camporee, meridianDistrict
Mr. Screechfield is featured in the latest Council e-Newsletter: (Be forewarned, it is REALLY REALLY long!)
But before you dive into the inspiring Scouting journey of him, maybe you should know one of his current missions is to get as many from our Troop to attend L.E.A.D as possible. If you still haven’t signed up yet, NOW is the time! 🙂
Scout Spotlight
Kent Screechfield
Kent Screechfield joined Pack 802 with his son Brett in February of 2000, and was a co-Den Leader for his son’s first year. He became the Den Leader the following year, added Assistant Cubmaster 6 months later and then became the Pack Cubmaster in 2002. In 2005, he and his son joined Troop 805, where he became an Assistant Scoutmaster. Shortly after that he became Scoutmaster, a position he held for 6 years. Although Brett, an Eagle Scout, is now a junior at the University of Portland, Kent continues to be very involved with the Troop as an Assistant Scoutmaster. During his time with Troop 805 Kent has had the privilege of assisting over 30 scouts attain the rank of Eagle.
Kent has been involved with the Meridian District since 2004, and has taken roles as popcorn chair and Cub training chair and is now the new District Chair. Kent has also been involved and/or on staff in many scout adult training events (Health and Safety, BALOO, NLS-PS, OW4WL, OLS) and has been on staff for the Meridian District Camporee, including being Camporee Scoutmaster for two years. Kent has also been involved at the Council level with Cub Scout Pow Wow and now with LEAD since its inception. Besides being an instructor for LEAD, he has helped on the facilities staff, been an assistant Dean, Dean of Continuing Education and overall Dean of Curriculum. This year he is Assistant Program Director.
Kent’s Scouting awards include the Cub Scouter, Cubmaster, Boy Scout Leader, Scoutmaster’s Key Training awards, the Unit Leader award of Merit, the Meridian Chairman’s Award, the District Award of Merit and he is a 2014 Silver Beaver Recipient. Kent also took the Wood Badge Course in 2004 and completed the requirements in May of 2005.
Kent has had many adventures with his son Brett in scouting but Kent’s biggest adventure recently was to rappel “Over the Edge” of the 15 story One Concord Plaza, the building where he works. Kent raised over $2,300 in donations so Brett was able to go over, too. Said Kent when he hit the ground “I feel great. It was amazing.”
Posted in Troop News | Tagged MDSC, meridianDistrict
Only 10 days left!!
Not a Scouter? Everyone is welcome!
Not working with boys? There are topics that you will find useful at home (cooking?), at work (be a better trainer?), or simply going out to have fun (new places to hike and camp?)
You already know it all? Even better! Come share your knowledge and meet people with like minds!
Don’t have a whole day? Come for a session or two!
Still not sure? Check out the video and see why you shouldn’t miss this great event!
Sign up at the MDSC Website now!
See you there!
Posted in Troop News | Tagged MDSC, meridianDistrict, training, video

December version of the District newsletter is now available.
Find out more about upcoming events, training opportunities, and committee openings.
Meridian District was able to raise over 33,000 lbs of food to support the food banks in our area at this critical time. This is an outstanding achievement!
Posted in Scouting News | Tagged meridianDistrict, newsletter