Date: June 27 – July 3, 2021
Location: Wente Scout Reservation, Willits, CA (map)
Cost: $525 + Transportation Cost + extras for some merit badges
– $150 nonrefundable deposit
– RSVP on Troopmaster
– BSA Health Form (All parts A, B, and C)
Planning to go to summer camp? Please RSVP by Tuesday, January 19th and pay the $150 deposit. Wente has requested space and initial deposits be made to the Camp no later than Wednesday, January 20th.
Final installment of $375 will be due by Tuesday, March 23rd. Any registrations after March 31st will be charged a late fee of $30 for a total of $555 and will need to be approved by Council as camp will be limited to 50% capacity.
**Note: Summer Camp deposits are transferrable to another scout within our unit and are refundable should Golden Gate Area Council cancel camp
More information to follow soon regarding Covid-19 camp protocols, merit badge offering schedule, and more.
Summer Camp Questions? Please contact Mrs. Kelly. Thank you!
More Info:
– Suggested packing list – Suggested list from Wente. Most scouts won’t bring all of them.
– Wente Leaders guide – Last Summer’s – contains loads of info on Wente
– Daily schedule at camp – Last summer’s. For reference only.
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged summerCamp
Date: June 23-29, 2019 (Sunday – Saturday)
Location: Camp Oljato, 61953 Huntington Lake Rd, Lakeshore, CA
Cost: $550 (includes transportation)
Bring: Packing List
– 5/28/2019: Additional MB Fees due
– 6/4/2019: BSA Health Form (All parts A, B, and C) due
– Before camp: Print out MB worksheets and obtain MB counselor approval for prerequisites
Parent Meeting Slides
Camp Schedule
Merit Badge List
Merit Badge Schedule
Camp Oljato offers a truly memorable outdoor experience for every Scout and provides opportunities for Scouts to learn new skills, earn Merit Badges, and just have fun in a safe, Scout-led environment!
Our Programs include extensive aquatics (sailing, motor boating, paddle boards, water trampoline, log rolling, water skiing & wake boarding, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, rowing, and life saving), rock climbing, handicraft, welding, nature, Scoutcraft, shooting sports, horsemanship, adult leader training, and a high adventure program.
Camp Highlights:
– Located at 7,000 feet in the Sierra Nevada Mountains on the western shore of Huntington Lake
– Holds up to 350 Scouts, adult leaders, and camp staff during each of the six week-long summer sessions.
– 11 hillside troop campsites with platform tents, running water, tables & fire rings
– 3 sets of restrooms & shower buildings located near campsites
– Trading Post, Dining Hall, Health Lodge centrally located
– Newly constructed program structures and areas for Shooting Sports, Welding, Nature, Scoutcraft, Handicraft, and Waterfront
– Separate areas for shooting sports
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged summerCamp

Date: June 24-30, 2018 (Sunday – Saturday)
Location: Camp Wolfeboro, Forest Road, Arnold, CA
Cost: $430 (does not include cost of merit badges and optional programs below)
Optional programs:
– 3-Day Trek Adventure (great for older scouts) – $20 extra
– A.C.E. program (great for older scouts) – $40 extra
– STEM program (open to all) – $20 extra
– 2/27/2018: $100 nonrefundable deposit and permission slips due
– 3/20/2018: $165 2nd deposit due
– 4/17/2018: $165 final payment due
– 5/22/2018: Mandatory parent meeting
– 6/05/2018: BSA Health Form (All parts A, B, and C) due
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged camping, summerCamp

Date: June 18-24, 2017 (Sunday – Saturday)
Location: Camp Cherry Valley
Cost: $650 + mandatory transportation cost
Important information:
- California Rifle & Shotgun Permission Form (new)
- Notes from Summer Camp meeting held Tuesday night
- Parent Guide (extracted parts of Leader Guide for your review) – The food/medical special requests are on page 13. If you need to contact camp please include me and Harper on all correspondence to camp so I know what to expect and should be sent at least 2 weeks before we arrive.
- Merit Badge (MB) Classes – the 3rd page has the MB schedule which Mr. Chan went over during Troop meeting with the scouts. This MUST be turned in before the PLC on the May 30 before school is out (it can be emailed to me if you can’t make a meeting). Your son should put top three choices in the box with an “X” and then then put a “A” in a box as an alternate. Those who are First Class or close to First Class should have one or two Eagle Required MBs like First Aid, Emergency Prep, Environmental Science, Sustainability, Swimming, etc. MBs on page 4 are during open period and scouts can let me know at camp if they are doing those. Page 2 is very important as it talks about costs and prerequisites which are important if the scout wants to complete MB at camp. Lastly I will have partials from previous summer camps that can be completed during free time if that MB is offered.
- Medical Admin Form – This is only needed if your son is taking Rx Drugs at camp.
- Trail to First Class (TTFC) – those scouts that still have lots to complete for Tenderfoot/Second Class/First Class should chose these instead of MBs. Note that not all items are covered and different items are covered different days. If you only have a few left in a specific rank you can also take TTFC during open period (note that Tenderfoot covered Tuesday, Second Class Thursday and First Class Friday).
- Packing List – Note that it is important that the scouts have a full Class A uniform (including LONG Scout pants). This will be needed for an activity at camp.
- Menu – this is a typical menu at camp. Lots of carbs!
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged summerCamp

Date: June 26 – July 2, 2016 (Sunday – Saturday)
Drop off: Sunday, June 26, 8:00AM @ Sycamore Park and Ride
Pick up: Saturday, July 2, 4:00PM @ Sycamore Park and Ride
Location: Wente Scout Reservation, Willits, CA (map)
Cost: $450 + $? Transportation Cost + extras for some merit badges
– A check of $200 nonrefundable deposit made out to Troop 805
– Camp reservation form and Permission slip due December 15th at PLC
– BSA Health Form (All parts A, B, and C) due June 7th at Troop Meeting
– Presentation deck – General Info on Summer camp
– Suggested packing list – This is just a suggestion. Most scouts won’t bring all of them.
– Wente Leaders guide – Contains loads of info on Wente
– Merit badge program guide – extracted from Leaders Guide
– Daily schedule at camp – Last summer’s. For reference only.
– Merit badge schedule
12/15/2015: Reservation form, permission slip, and 1st payment of $200 due
01/26/2016: 2nd payment of $100 due
02/23/2016: 3rd payment of $150 due
06/07/2016: BSA Health Form due
06/26/2016: Departure
07/02/2016: Return
To Troop 805,
Welcome all to NOVEMBER!!!… where has the year gone?
Our Wente Summer Camp Sign Up is now available. Camp Wente is an awesome summer camp and we plan to attend Wente again in 2016!
Troop 805 is planning to go to Camp Wente on June 26th – July 2nd 2016
If your scouts want to attend Camp Wente in Willits, California, I need the following:
Open the Attachment and:
- Fill out the Camp Reservation Form
- Fill out the Camp Wente Permission Slip
- Staple a check made out to Troop 805 in the amount of $200 (first payment)
NOTE: Total cost for Camp Wente is $450 (this does NOT include ground transportation).
PLEASE RETURN the THREE items listed above to me no later than Tuesday, December 15th (PLC). This is very important. I need to make our first payment to Camp Wente by year end, otherwise we lose our reservation.
Thank you in advance for your help. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Ray Chan
Troop 805 Scoutmaster
925-548-6179 – Cell
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged summerCamp
Date: July 12-18, 2015 (Sunday – Saturday)
Drop off: Sunday, July 12, 8:00AM @ Sycamore Park and Ride
Pick up: Saturday, July 18, 4:00PM @ Sycamore Park and Ride
Location: Wente Scout Reservation, Willits, CA (map)
Cost: $450 + $83 Transportation Cost + extras for some merit badges
– A check of $200 nonrefundable deposit made out to Troop 805
– Camp reservation form and Permission slip due December 16th PLC
– BSA Health Form (All parts A, B, and C) due May 26th at Troop Meeting
– Shooting Permission slip and merit badge fees due July 7th at COH
– Presentation deck – Info on Summer camp
– Suggested packing list – You don’t need everything. Use discretion.
– Wente Leaders guide – loads of info on Wente
– Daily schedule at camp
– Merit badge schedule
Photo Albums: Here!
12/16/2014: Reservation form, permission slip, and 1st payment of $200 due
01/27/2015: 2nd payment of $100 due
02/24/2015: 3rd payment of $150 due
05/19/2015: Bus fee $83 due
05/26/2015: BSA Health Form due
07/07/2015: Shooting permission slip and MB costs due at COH
07/12/2015: 8AM Departure
07/18/2015: 4PM Return
To Troop 805,
Our second Summer Camp Sign Up is now available. Camp Wente is an awesome summer camp and lots of scouts from our troop have voted for this summer camp in our troop survey.
For 2015, Troop 805 is planning to go to Camp Wente on July 12th – July 18th.
Your scouts can attend either Wente or Camp Cherry Valley or BOTH.
If your scouts want to attend Camp Wente in Willits, California, I need the following:
- Fill out the Camp Reservation Form
- Fill out the Camp Wente Permission Slip
- Staple a check made out to Troop 805 in the amount of $200 (first payment)
NOTE: Total cost for Camp Wente is $450 (this does NOT include ground transportation).
PLEASE RETURN the THREE items listed above to me no later than Tuesday, December 16th (PLC). This is very important. I need to make our first payment to Camp Wente by year end, otherwise we lose our reservation.
Thank you in advance for your help. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Ray Chan
Troop 805 Scoutmaster
NYLT Course Director
925-548-6179 – Cell
Posted in Activities, Troop News | Tagged summerCamp